One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 wouldn’t be much of a One Piece game if it didn’t allow you to utilize Luffy’s Gear Fourth transformation, so it’s no surprise it’s featured prominently in the gameplay. Figuring out how to use it can be a hassle though, so we’re here to give you everything you need to know about how to use gear fourth in One Piece Pirate Warriors 4.
How to Use Gear Fourth in One Piece Pirate Warriors 4
In One Piece Pirate Warriors 4, you can only use Gear Fourth after unlocking it as a Special Move later into the game; specifically, after reaching the point in the Dramatic Log mode’s Dress Rosa arc when it’s first introduced.
Once you do, you can equip it to your suite of Special Moves and Attacks before the start of any given mission. This is done by advancing to the character menu that appears before you start a mission, scrolling down to the special move set option, and then assigning the Gear Fourth transformation move to any of your four slots.
Once you’ve done this, you can start said mission and dive into the game. Once your Special Moves are charged up, you can then use Gear Fourth by Pressing and holding down R1 on PlayStation 4, RB on Xbox One or R on the Nintendo Switch, and then pressing the Face Button assigned to its slot.
This will trigger the Gear Fourth transformation, and you’ll be able to use a special array of moves tied to the transformation until it wears off. After that, you’ll need to wait until the Special Move gauge recharges before you can use Gear Fourth again.
We’ve included the controls down below for your reference at any time during your One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 playthrough.
Platform | Controls |
PlayStation 4 | R1 + O, X, Square or Triangle |
Xbox One | RB + A, B, X or Y |
Nintendo Switch | R + A, B, X or Y |
Hopefully, this cleared up how to use Gear Fourth in One Piece Pirate Warriors 4. For more on the game, check out our guides on how to damage bosses and how to dash.
Published: Mar 30, 2020 5:54 PM UTC