One of the first questions every Manor Lords newbie has is how in hell you get Influence. The game tells you basically nothing about it, but it is required for both conquest and diplomacy. Well, we’ve found the easiest way to get it and have detailed the steps below. So, let’s dive into how you get Influence in Manor Lords.
How to Get Influence Fast in Manor Lords

By far, the easiest and fastest way to farm Influence in Manor Lords is by fighting bandits. These camps spawn around the map (transparent tent icons), and you can set the frequency of their appearance in the pre-game settings. I suggest you max those out so you can get the most Influence possible.
The best thing about bandits is that they are extremely easy to beat. Literally, one squad of archers can clear their camp without any losses, netting you ~300 Influence each time. The unfortunate fact is that they tend to spawn in faraway territories. So, your people will be locked to being soldiers and away from their workplaces for quite a while sometimes.
Another good thing is that you can simply leave the camps alone for a while, as all the resources they steal are retrievable. You only need to make sure to clear out the camp after you defeat the bandits, and you’ll get a prompt asking you where you want to move the retrieved goods.

The Hard Ways of Earning Influence
The other two ways of earning Influence in Manor Lords are fighting NPC factions and setting a food tax in your manor. The former is simply too dangerous, especially early on, and can reverse much of the progress you’ve made. New people will move in to replace dead soldiers, but until that happens, you’ll be vulnerable to attacks.
Now, the latter is simply inefficient, as you’ll be getting at most 10/20 Influence per month with a moderate food tax. If you go too hard with something in the range of 50%, then the food availability will plummet, nosediving your approval among your subjects.
Now that you’ve learned how to get Influence quickly in Manor Lords, there should be nothing stopping you from conquering the whole map. If you need help with something else in-game, be sure to check out all the other Manor Lord content we host here on Twinfinite, including our trading guide.
Published: Apr 26, 2024 12:00 am