Capcom’s multiplayer mech-vs-dinosaur shooter turned heads when it was announced during Sony’s State of Play back in 2022. With its emphasis on dinosaur-slaying action, it’s easy to jump to the conclusion that Exoprimal may be a Dino Crisis sequel. If you’re pondering this specific question, then you’ve come to the perfect place as we’re going to answer that query down below. Let’s get started, shall we?
Is Exoprimal a Dino Crisis Sequel?
Without mincing words, no, Exoprimal is not a Dino Crisis sequel. In fact, Exoprimal has very little to do with the beloved 1999 survival horror classic.
Sure, there are dinosaurs involved in Exoprimal, and the game is being published by the same Japanese company, Capcom. However, both Exoprimal and Dino Crisis are separate IPs, and are not officially related.
That being said, there is one element that both games have in common, excluding the dinosaur and publisher connection. Yes, one of Dino Crisis’s producers and co-designers, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, has been heavily involved with the development of Exoprimal.
This has led many fans to believe that this could mean there is a greater connection between the two franchises. However, that is unfortunately not the case at all.
While Capcom may use the games-as-a-service model of Exoprimal as a vehicle to include Dino Crisis, Street Fighter, or Resident Evil skins in the future, we still believe that this wouldn’t necessarily make it a fully fledged sequel to Dino Crisis.
In other words, if you’re chomping at the bit for a Dino Crisis sequel, Exoprimal isn’t it. Sorry to burst your bubble, folks!
And with that, we conclude our guide on whether Exoprimal may be a Dino Crisis sequel or not. For more, why not explore our related coverage down below before you go. And as always, keep it locked at Twinfinite for even more tips, tricks, and guides.
Published: Jul 14, 2023 1:35 PM UTC