Episode 6 of HBO’s The Last of Us adaptation takes us to Jackson, where Joel is reunited with Tommy, and we also get introduced to his wife Maria. We get a little tour of their community, as well as significant development in Joel’s relationship with Ellie. There might’ve also been a small tease of what’s to come in the show’s second season. Here’s what you need to know about Dina in HBO’s The Last of Us.
Do be warned that this article contains minor character spoilers for The Last of Us Part II. Nothing major here, but if you don’t want to know anything about Ellie’s character that hasn’t been revealed in the show yet, don’t read on.
Is Dina in HBO’s The Last of Us?
In episode 6 of The Last of Us, we got a short scene of Joel, Ellie, Tommy, and Maria sitting together as the former two share a meal. During the meal, Ellie shouts at a girl who’s staring at her from a little way off and asks what she’s looking at. The girl dashes off, and we never quite get a good look at her.

It’s entirely possible that the girl who ran off could’ve been a younger version of Dina, who serves as Ellie’s main love interest for most of the game.
The actress in question is Paolina van Kleef, and she’s been credited as the “staring girl” in this episode. It’s unlikely we’ll see her again this season, but hey, it’s entirely plausible that this could very well be our first Dina tease of the show.
We know that Ellie and Dina are about the same age, and even though Dina won’t really come into play until season 2 at the very least, it’s possible that the showrunners are already starting on the groundwork for that future plot point. Considering that Dina was also part of the Jackson community, this wouldn’t be completely out of the realm of possibility, either.
Only time will tell whether the girl we see in the mess hall was Dina, but for now, here’s an ultra cute clip of Ellie playing Take On Me on guitar for her girlfriend:
That’s all you need to know about whether Dina is in HBO’s The Last of Us. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more news and information on the show, including our take on Joel’s panic attacks this episode.
Published: Feb 19, 2023 09:58 pm