In Immortals Fenyx Rising the Golden Isle has many tasks that can keep a player busy for hours. Whether it is diving into a Vault of Tartaros for lightning or completing a Myth Challenge for Coins of Charon, there is definitely plenty to do. However, if you wanted to complete some side tasks, and earn Elektrum along the way, then you’ll want to stop by the Hall of the Gods. In this guide we’ll cover how to get Elektrum and what it is used for.
How To Get Elektrum
To get Elektrum you will first need to go to the Hall of the Gods so that you can take a look at Hermes’s Heroic Tasks Board. The right side of this board should have several Live Tasks, the daily quests of this game, that you can accept. These tasks will award you varying amounts of Elektrum.
Certain tasks will even have a ranking of gold, silver, or bronze, depending on how quickly you are able to complete it. Gold will obviously provide you the most Elektrum, so make sure you are properly outfitted to complete the tasks as quickly as you can.
Other tasks will have you go collect materials, such as pomegranates, and ask you to collect a certain number of them as well as a number of the corresponding potion. Once a task is completed you will want to go turn it in back at the task board so that you can receive your Elektrum.
What Elektrum is Used For
Elektrum is used to obtain special armor, weapons, and mounts. You will spend your Elektrum at the Hall of the Gods by talking to Hermes, the fleet-footed merch. Hermes has a rotating stock that will update weekly, providing many premium items. The prices vary and will require the completion of several tasks to earn enough of it.
That’s everything you need to know about Elektrum in Immortals Fenyx Rising. Head over to our guide wiki for more tips and tricks, or read up on more of our coverage on the game below.
Published: Dec 4, 2020 9:44 PM UTC