Best Characters in Hyrule Warriors Switch
Volga is one of the original characters introduced in Hyrule Warriors, and the fearsome dragon knight is a force to be reckoned with. Despite his high strength, he’s a surprisingly fast character. Volga’s spear also means that he has some great range, and combined with his high attack speed he can absolutely destroy waves of enemies. His Y combo when upgraded releases a huge explosion at the end that’s great for crowd control. At the same time, his X combo move is good for causing decent damage to enemy characters and bosses.
All of his moves can basically be used to stagger enemies or do crowd control, and he really does excel in pretty much every aspect. On top of that, he just looks cool in that red dragon armor, so it’s a win-win right?
Best Characters in Hyrule Warriors Switch
It should come as no surprise that Link, the hero of the Zelda series, is one of the best characters in the game. With his default Hylian Sword Link has serious crowd control, as both his strong attack on X and combos unleash spinning attacks that can cover some wide range. His strength also goes through the roof once you’ve unlocked the Master Sword, especially if you power it up and make it the best weapon in the game.
What really makes Link great, though, is his versatility. He has the most weapons usable in the game with the Magic Rod, Gauntlets, Great Fairy, Epona, and more. This means that you can basically adapt him into whatever kind of character or situation you want, and some of the weapons like the Magic Rod, can do tremendous damage in one on one battles. Link is the hero of the story, so it’s only fitting he has the most options.
Best Characters in Hyrule Warriors Switch
Just like in Zelda games, Ganondorf’s biggest asset is his overwhelming strength. He can cause some insane damage, and his wide attack area is great for crowd control. He’s actually the best character in the game for capturing keeps as his X6 combo can deplete the entire keep meter in one go at times. His hard hits also make him a great pick for taking on giant bosses, as he can quickly destroy their critical hit meter.
Ganondorf does come with one big flaw, however, his defense. He doesn’t stagger while executing most of his attacks, which means you can soak up damage as your executing combos. This means you’ll want to hit fast and hard with Ganondorf, not letting you get surrounded and completing objectives quickly.
Best Characters in Hyrule Warriors Switch
Ruto didn’t start out as a great character in the original Hyrule Warriors, but after some changes and buffs she’s become a fantastic crowd controller. Ruto’s water-based attacks can cover large areas of the field, and as she attacks she builds a water gauge at the top of the screen. This gauge corresponds to Ruto’s X attack, and the more full it is the more you waves you can unleash by hitting X.
Here X6 combo can even pull enemies from behind her to hit even more, and all of these moves make her another great choice to capture keeps. Ruto can also be a big help with fire-based bosses like King Dodongo. After that whole escort mission ordeal in Ocarina of Time, it’s great to see the princess of Zora’s rule the battlefield.
Young Link
Best Characters in Hyrule Warriors Switch
Young Link could quite possibly be the best character in Hyrule Warriors for one big reason, his fantastic Focus mode. Young Link’s X attack transfers all of his special attack gauge into his focus gauge, and once you use Focus you’ll turn into the powerful Fierce Diety. This focus mode powers up all of Young Link’s attacks letting him unleash tremendous damage across a wide area with each and every sword strike. His X5 combo is phenomenal at both damage and range, calling down a giant triforce that explodes into light.
It also helps that Young Link on his own is a speedy character that can quickly get into his dash, and get around the battlefield. On his own Young Link is a powerful force, but his Focus mode turns him into an unstoppable force that can easily take down crowds, enemy characters, and even giant bosses.
Best Characters in Hyrule Warriors Switch
Shiek’s biggest strength is her ability to take advantage of enemy’s weaknesses, and really she can adapt to any situation on the battlefield. Each of her X combos uses a different element and applies that element to Sheik herself, which you can then unleash in a special attack by just hitting X. This means that you can take advantage of any weakness, essentially powering up Shiek in every situation. These abilities make her one of the best characters for taking on enemies 1vs1 and can make her valuable against a giant boss in a pinch.
It certainly helps that Shiek is an incredibly fast character that can continuously launch attacks, and easily get around the battlefield. You’ll need to properly learn how to use each of Shiek’s moves, but once you do you’ll be a force to be reckoned with.
Published: May 24, 2018 7:28 PM UTC