So you’ve honed your power game. And, you’ve even become somewhat of an approach master as well. Which can only mean, then that your final stumbling block is on the green. Putting may seem like the simplest of mechanics in EA’s latest offering, but there is a way to make it that much easier. It’s time to learn how to putt in EA Sports PGA Tour.
Guide to Putting in EA Sports PGA Tour
Now when it comes to putting in EA Sports PGA Tour, there are a number of variables at play. Skill Level is one of them, and depending on where it’s at, you’ll have to read putts yourself. That said, players can toggle the green grid on and off at their leisure. When it comes to actually putting, you’re going to want to be careful not to overhit (or under-hit) your shot.

While standing over a putt, a meter will appear underneath your club. Depending on your skill level again, you won’t have to measure your putt in terms of distance. But if you’re playing at a higher level, you’ll have to take into account whether the hole is uphill or downhill from your lie. Either way, the resulting meter is the most important part of all of this. That is, if you’ve measured your distance correctly.
You’ll want to strike the ball just hard enough, so you need to at least bring your swing to that line near the bottom. If you overhit it, the controller will vibrate. Overhitting a putt here and there isn’t necessarily the end of the world, thought. Sometimes, it helps to putt through the break. The video above doesn’t display the perfect putt, but it gets the job done. The ball is on line and the break is played well enough. The tougher the course, though, the harder the greens will be. No matter what, putting within the meter is crucial.
That’s everything you need to know for now about how to putt in EA Sports PGA Tour. If you’re looking for more in-game tips and information, don’t go anywhere. Twinfinite has plenty more to offer at the various links below.
Published: Apr 10, 2023 1:40 AM UTC