After defeating your first proper boss in Persona 3 Reload, Elizabeth will start making requests of you. These are absolutely worth doing, as the rewards are often pretty great. So, here’s how to get Pine Resin in Persona 3 Reload.
Persona 3 Reload Pine Resin Location
One of the first requests from Elizabeth in Persona 3 Reload tasks you with handing over some Pine Resin. This isn’t some material you can get from monster drops, nor can it be bought from a store. Instead, you’ll need to get it from your teammates.
To get Pine Resin, accept Elizabeth’s request, then head back to Iwatodai Dorm and speak with Yukari. She’s usually seated in the Lounge area during the evenings.

Ask her about Pine Resin, and she’ll say that she has some leftover from Archery Club, and she’ll hand it over. And that’s pretty much it. Hand it over to Elizabeth, and the quest will be marked as complete.
Reward for Finding Pine Resin
This is a great quest to do as soon as it unlocks, as your reward for completing it is the Toy Bow. The Toy Bow is a solid early game weapon for Yukari, as it deals high damage, though it comes at the cost of reduced accuracy.
That being said, it should outclass anything you have, or anything that you can buy from Kurosawa at this point, so you should absolutely equip it once you can.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Pine Resin in Persona 3 Reload. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.
Published: Feb 2, 2024 5:00 AM UTC