Money has a number of useful purposes in Persona 5 Tactica. You need money to buy guns for the party. Likewise, you’ll need money to purchase some sub-Personas in order to fusion the really good ones later on. So, we’re here to help with your financial needs. Here’s how to get money fast in Persona 5 Tactica.
Disassembling Guns

Guns are a rare commodity in Persona 5 Tactica, but it’s well worth dismantling them for cash. Not only are guns incapable of being upgraded, but there’s an entire disassemble menu dedicated to getting rid of old guns. In other words, don’t feel bad about selling your guns in Persona 5 Tactica, the game encourages you to do so!
Gun stock gets upgraded pretty regularly after each major story beat. You’re given the option between guns specializing in either range or damage, and each character has unique types of guns. Due to your limited money-making options early in the game, It’s recommended you just stick to one gun for each character every time the shop updates. Then, sell all your previous guns for cash and get the new stuff. Disassembling guns is one of the most straightforward methods of earning money in Persona 5 Tactica.
Quest and Mission Rewards

You’ll accumulate cash after every successful battle in Persona 5 Tactica. Battles are divided into two categories: Missions, and Quests. Missions comprise the main story of the game, while Quests are optional harder affairs. To squeeze the most money out of the game, you’ll have to fulfill all Award conditions for Missions and Quests.
You’ll not only accrue money by doing those optional Quests, but you’ll earn increased payouts for certain Award Conditions for each Quest. It’s a good idea to go back and complete the Awards for previous Missions you might have missed out on. Quests, on the other hand, can only be completed once! So, be extra mindful of Award Conditions while doing a Quest if you want to earn the biggest payouts.
Unique Skills from Sub-Personas

Finally, sub-Personas each have one unique Skill that can be passed on through fusion. There’s a particularly useful Skill that increases money earned after a battle. Unfortunately, you won’t encounter any money-increasing Skills until the final dungeon in the first Kingdom.
The first sub-Persona with an increased money Skill is Sandman. This moon-headed creature is level 23 and is given as a reward for completing the final couple of Missions in the first Kingdom. You must use the character equipped with this sub-Persona in order to benefit from its increased money Skill after battles. What’s nice is that the money gained by this Skill is typically double that of regular payouts, so this is a great way to make money in Persona 5 Tactica.

Additionally, the Treasure Hunter Skill from Sandman can be inherited through Persona Fusion. Passing along this Skill to more powerful sub-Personas is a smart method that will net you double the money throughout the course of the game. Once you have a Persona with the Treasure Hunter Skill equipped in your party, you can grind cash by replaying previous Missions and fulfilling all the Rewards for one huge payout.
That sums up how to get money fast in Persona 5 Tactica. If you don’t use any of these money-making methods, you won’t have enough money to buy the new weapon stock for each character. And you certainly won’t have enough cash to experiment with Persona fusion. But stick to these money-making methods and you’ll have enough cash to be ahead of the curve! Check out Twinfinite’s coverage on Persona 5 Tactica, including how to Down enemies and a guide through the most difficult Quest early on.
Published: Nov 17, 2023 12:00 am