Upon launch, Overwatch 2 gave players three new characters to choose from. Junker Queen and Sojourn were available right from the start, but the third one requires a few more steps to unlock. Here’s everything you need to know about how to get Kiriko in Overwatch 2.
How to Get Kiriko in Overwatch 2
At this time, there are three methods for obtaining Kiriko and two of them involve spending money. Down the line, there will be other methods as well, but again, at least one will involve spending real money.
Unlocking Kiriko With the Founder’s Pack
This is the first method that players can do right now to make sure they’ll have Kiriko at launch. Any Overwatch player who buys the Overwatch 2 Founders Pack ($39.99 USD) will instantly unlock this new support at launch.
Just make sure to sign in to the game before the end of Season two, or else Kiriko won’t be obtainable through this method anymore.
Additionally, anyone who owned the original Overwatch before June 23, 2022 at 11 AM PDT will get free access to the Founder’s Pack upon launching Overwatch 2 for the first time.
Unlocking Kiriko With the Battle Pass
This method is sort of like two in one. There’s the Free Battle Pass option or the Premium Battle Pass.
Free Battle Pass
Unlocking Kiriko through the free Battle Pass can be done by reaching tier 55. Just keep playing online matches and completing dailies and weeklies to get XP.
Premium Battle Pass
Just like with the Founder’s Pack, you can pay to unlock Kiriko instantly. Pay 1,000 Overwatch Coins (about $10 US) to get the Premium Battle Pass and Kiriko will be unlocked.
Unlocking Kiriko Other Ways
Once Kiriko is no longer unlockable through the Battle Pass, Blizzard has promised that she will be available to players through other methods. The same goes for other characters once their Battle Pass is over. Blizzard has mentioned that previously unlockable characters will be available again in the future through hero challenges and in the shop.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Kiriko in Overwatch 2. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game, including our take on the FTUE, whether it has cross-play and progression, as well as our final preview.
Published: Oct 4, 2022 03:00 pm