Destiny 2: The Final Shape has brought many amazing new weapons and armor including brand-new exotics. The new powerful exotics available in The Final Shape will upgrade your armory, from gauntlets and helmets to all different rifle types. We have included some tips below on how to get the Hazardous Propulsion Exotic Titan Chest Armor in Destiny 2: The Final Shape.
How to Unlock Hazardous Propulsion Exotic Titan Chest Armor in Destiny 2: The Final Shape
Looking to add some stunning new exotic items to your arsenal? Then look no further! The Final Shape brings six new Exotic armor pieces which includes two pieces per class. Guardians should be able to access these by visiting Rahool, the Awoken Cryptarch who chills at his booth in the Tower.

Exotic items are the highest rarity items in Destiny 2 and they offer some amazing perks. These pieces have perks that give Guardians extra buffs or skills when they are used. The Hazardous Propulsion Titan Exotic Chest Piece perk is Danger Close. This buffs a Titan’s weapons and abilities.
With the Hazardous Propulsion chest piece, your precision hits trigger a chance to load a Kinetic Exodus rocket. This also applies to final blows. Players can then activate the class ability to fire off these rockets. When the rockets damage enemies, any other rocket fired has their damage increased to a maximum of 35%, lasting for 10 seconds. The Danger Close ability is also triggered by rocket sidearm weaponry, giving more Titans the chance to buff their attacks.
So that’s all we know so far about acquiring and using the Hazardous Propulsion exotic chest armor in Destiny 2: The Final Shape! For more Destiny 2: The Final Shape help and tips why not check out the best Prismatic Hunter build or the Stasis Frost Armor buff!
Published: Jun 4, 2024 09:20 am