Whether you’re sweating in PvP or tryharding bosses, having a specific fruit to counter your enemy can make your Grand Piece Online experience a whole lot better. To help you decide which one to use, we prepared the ultimate Grand Piece Online (GPO) fruits tier list. Scroll down, and let’s get started, shall we?
Grand Piece Online (GPO) Fruits Tier List

S+ Tier GPO Fruits
- Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon (Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Pteranodon Model) — Pteranodon’s mobility, damage, combos, and utility are all extremely good. However, it heavily relies on you being fully transformed. Still, it’s without doubt one of the top-tier fruits in Grand Piece Online right now.
- Doku Doku No Mi (Venom Venom Fruit) — Because of its insane DoT damage, Venom is probably the strongest PvE fruit in GPO. Plus, you get stun immunity against most attacks. If we exclude the Pteranodon and Pika v2, it might even be the best fruit in GPO.
- Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix (Bird-Bird Fruit) — Tori is arguably the best fruit for Dungeons and PvE content in general. Plus, it has insane maneuverability and flight, is one of the best DoTs in the game, and has fairly good combos. It might even be the best fruit in Grand Piece Online right now.
- Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu (Human-Human Fruit, Model: Great Buddha) — Buddha is one of the best fruits for solo PvE. It’s also amazing for PvP due to its easy combos, high survivability, and stuns/combo breaks.
- Pika Pika no Mi (Glint-Glint Fruit) v2 — Pika v2 gives you a fruit M1 and also the fastest flight move in Grand Piece Online. It’s really strong all around, with extremely quick attacks and good range. The only downside is that most of its attacks are blockable, which good opponents will take advantage of in PvP.
- Pika Pika no Mi (Glint-Glint Fruit) v1 — Pika v1 is one of the best PvE fruit in Grand Piece Online due to its insane Light Ray damage, which you can spam uninterrupted. However, it kind of lacks in the PvP department compared to other legendary/mythic fruits.
S Tier GPO Fruits
- Mochi Mochi no Mi (Mochi-Mochi Fruit) — Mochi is pretty mediocre for PvE because of low damage output. However, virtually all of its attacks are multihits, and Future Sight is one of the best PvP skills in the game. So, if you mainly play PvP, it might be the fruit for you.
- Magu Magu no Mi (Magma-Magma Fruit) — Magu is another contender for the spot of the best PvE fruit. With it, you can reliably solo the Sea Serpent and the Kraken; the water-walking, big AoE, and high damage allow for that. However, PvP isn’t its strong side.
- Mera-Mera no Mi (Flame-Flame Fruit) — Mera is one of the best PvE fruits in GPO due to its great flight, wide AoE, and superb DoT damage. Plus, it is fairly solid for PvP, though you’ll need to use it in combination with a fighting style.
- Hie Hie no Mi (Ice-Ice Fruit) — Hie has a combo break on almost every move and insane stun durations, making it one of the best PvP fruits in Grand Piece Online. Also, because it has a good range and a lot of AoE attacks, it’s good for PvE, too.
- Yuki Yuki no Mi (Snow-Snow Fruit) — Yuki is an overall solid fruit that does really well for anything but Sea Serpent/Kraken (too low range). It’s also extremely beginner-friendly due to its simple yet effective move set.
- Gura Gura no Mi (Tremor-Tremor Fruit) — Similarly to Hie, Gura has a block break on each one of its moves, making it perfect for PvP. Plus, it has high burst damage that will help you make fights as short as possible. However, it lacks mobility and scaling.
- Goro Goro no Mi (Rumble-Rumble Fruit) — Goro has high base damage, AoE, and extremely good combo potential. This makes it good for both PvE and PvP. Its only weaknesses are its kind of long cooldowns and relatively short range.
A Tier GPO Fruits
- Ope Ope no Mi (Op-Op Fruit) — Ope is really strong for PvP with its versatile move set and the recent buffs. However, it is virtually useless for grinding, except for the Colosseum. It might be the worst mythic fruit in GPO.
- Kage Kage no Mi (Shadow-Shadow Fruit) — Kage has a very low range and small AoE. However, it has good CC in its kit and superb mobility, making it really good for PvP. It’s also pretty good for doing Dungeons.
- Zushi Zushi no Mi (Gravity-Gravity Fruit) — Gravity Pull is one of the best combo extend moves in GPO, and Zushi’s whole kit is very well designed for PvP. It’s also pretty solid for PvE because it has good range and AoE on its skills.
- Suna Suna no Mi (Sand-Sand Fruit) — Suna is one of the best fruits you can use to deal with the Factory Core. Plus, its easy-to-hit skills make it beginner-friendly and a solid overall PvP choice, especially for BR.
- Yami Yami no Mi (Dark-Dark Fruit) — Yami has a very low range compared to other fruits, which makes it terrible for grinding Sea Serpent/Kraken. However, it works well for all other modes, especially PvP, because of its block breakers and combo potential. Plus, you get the Logia bar.
- Ito Ito no Mi (String-String) — Ito is an extremely good PvP fruit. It has low cooldowns, multiple combo extenders, and an easy guard break. However, it has low damage and is abysmally bad for farming.
- Bomu-Bomu No Mi (Bomb-Bomb Fruit) — Bomu is one of the best, if not the best, fruits you can use for grinding. It has very high base damage, and if you build it right, you can reliably one-shot bosses with Self-Destruct. Its movement is also good.
B Tier GPO Fruits
- Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Paw-Paw Fruit) — The race between Kage, Yami, and Paw for the worst legendary is tight. Paw is good for PvP because of its low cooldowns and high damage. However, it doesn’t have enough range, and its moves have long windups.
- Yomi-Yomi no Mi (Revive-Revive Fruit) — Yomi is pretty good for PvP because of the stuns in its kit and the revive (Death Defied). However, it has a really low range, and you’ll have to fight everything in melee, making it worthless for grinding anything outside the 1st Sea.
- Bane Bane no Mi (Spring Spring Fruit) — All of Bane’s damaging moves break block and easily chain together. Plus, it has a lot of mobility. The only downside is that starting your combo against flying or fast-moving enemies is really hard.
- Bari Bari no Mi (Barrier-Barrier Fruit) — Bari is fairly underrated and can perform both in PvE and PvP. Also, it’s still the only defensive fruit in Grand Piece Online, and if you are in a party with enough DPSs, having it can come in clutch, especially in dungeons.
- Mero-Mero no Mi (Love-Love Fruit) — Mero has low cooldowns, high damage, and most moves stun, allowing you to extend combos easily. However, you have no mobility, and you’re easy to punish if you miss your attacks.
- Gomu-Gomu no Mi (Rubber-Rubber Fruit) — BR is where Gomu shines because it’s meant to be used on land, and it hits hard. It takes a lot of skill to use it effectively, though, as your aim needs to be on point. So, if you’re new to the game, it might be better to go with something with more AoE.
C Tier GPO Fruits
- Horo Horo no Mi (Hollow-Hollow Fruit) — Horo has pretty poor scaling and base damage. Plus, the hollows you spawn are fairly slow, which makes dodging them at medium/long range trivial. Still, it has good combos, and in the hands of a good player, it can work.
- Guru Guru no Mi (Spin-Spin Fruit) — Spin is extremely easy to get and actually okay for PvP. Its move set is fairly limited, but all deal solid damage and can be used as combo extenders. However, its PvE capabilities are fairly limited.
- Chiyu Chiyu no Mi (Heal-Heal Fruit) — Chiyu is the only healing fruit in GPO besides Phoenix. You can use it to support your team in BR, but otherwise, it’s pretty bad.
- Kilo Kilo no Mi (Pound-Pound Fruit) — Kilo has mobility and can be fun to use. However, while your ulti is on cooldown, it is virtually useless. Plus, if you miss it, you’re then mega-useless.
- Suke Suke no Mi (Clear-Clear Fruit) — The invisibility Suke provides can be neat in BR, but otherwise, it’s very bad. The only damage move it has is weak and scales poorly. Plus, there are ways to counter the invisibility.
That does it for our Grand Piece Online (GPO) fruits tier list. Absorbing all the above information can take a while. However, it is necessary if you want to take your gameplay up a notch. If you want to do so in other Roblox experiences as well, check out the Roblox section on our website.
Also, if you want to try out some other One Piece-inspired titles, I wholeheartedly suggest King Legacy and Legacy Piece. Their gameplay is fairly similar to GPO. However, both have their quirks, which is why so many fans prefer them.
Published: Sep 23, 2024 12:10 AM UTC