Is There a Money Glitch in Far Cry 5?
Far Cry 5 is now out, unleashing players on the land of Hope County, Montana. While you’re going about your business destroying cults, you’ll need plenty of money to purchase new weapons and clothing options. You may have seen videos or reports online that there’s a money glitch in Far Cry 5, letting you wrack up that cash pretty easily. There’s a number of videos online detailing how to use the glitch, but there’s a bit of a catch.
Unfortunately, it looks like the money glitch has been removed by the games latest patch, and is no longer usable. Users in comment sections like this one report that as of the day one patch, the money glitch is no longer usable. Of course, if you’re really dead-set on using the money glitch in Far Cry 5 you could try and delete the patch, as long as you have a physical copy (that won’t work with a digital one). There are plenty of easy ways to make money in the game, however, like hunting with your bow or fishing. We’ve detailed some of the best ways to make money here.
For more on Far Cry 5, make sure to search Twinfinite or take a look at our growing wiki.
Published: Mar 29, 2018 12:20 pm