Ballistic Weave is some of the best armor you can get to keep you protected in Fallout 4. If you’re not a fan of the weighty power armor, then ballistic weave is what you’ll want to craft. Here’s what you need to do to get it.
First things first, make sure that the Railroad is not hostile against you. You’ll need to gain their trust in order to complete the quests that enable you to craft the ballistic weave. You’ll have to complete the ‘initiation quests’ for want of a better phrase and officially be a part of the Railroad. Once this is done, you’ll need to complete the Tradecraft main quest, and Boston After Dark side quest for the faction. When you’ve done this, go over and talk to P.A.M.
There are three quests that you must complete and will be given to you by the robot. All of these missions require you to go to a building, kill the enemies that lurk inside, and make it to the DIA cache within each building. Once you’ve done each of these missions, P.A.M. should then tell you to go and speak to Tinker Tom.
Tinker Tom will talk about how his skills of being able to upgrade clothing to be incredibly protective but discreet. Once Tinker Tom has mentioned this to you, you should now be able to upgrade clothing at armor workbenches. It’s important to note that the player must have the Armorer perk in order to apply this mod beyond the first level.
If, for some reason, P.A.M isn’t giving you the DIA cache quests, try talking to some of the other members of the Railroad. Some players have found this helps to kickstart the questline conversation with the robot.
And that’s all there is to grabbing some seriously strong armor in Fallout 4.
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Published: May 16, 2016 03:36 pm