Everyone knows that FromSoftware games are tough nuts to crack, but you can give yourself a slightly easier time with the help of magic and sorcery. That is the case in Elden Ring too, and one of the more powerful sorceries available is that of the Comet Azur. For those specializing in the mystical arts, adding it to your selection can be a great advantage to have, so if you wondering about how to get Comet Azur in Elden Ring, here’s what you need to know.
How to Get Comet Azur in Elden Ring
The aim is to get to the Primeval Sorcerer Azur near the Hermit Village, which is in the northwestern part of Mt. Gelmir.
- Start at the Erdtree-Grazing Hill Site of Grace in northern Mt. Gelmir.
Head north through the Wyndham Ruins, beware of the boss that can be skipped.
- Keep to the left, and through the ravine.
You should pass the Sites of Grace called Seethewater River and Seethewater Terminus.
- Head west in the direction of the castle, but keep south so you will come up to the lava.
Beware of another skippable boss.
- Beyond the boss, head upwards on the path that goes under some big rocks.
You will find the Craftsman’s Shack Site of Grace.
- Follow the road to the Hermit Village.
Again, there is a boss that you can either take down or skip on the journey.
- Reach the Primeval Sorcerer Azur Site of Grace.
This is being guarded by Demi-Human Queen Maggie, so watch out.
- Interact with the sorcerer with a green hat sitting nearby.
Obtain the Comet Azur.
The base requirements for utilizing Comet Azur as part of your arsenal is a stat of 60 for Intelligence, plus three free Memory Slots to house the spell. Equip your favourite staff, and you are on your way.
That is all there is to it when it comes to learning about how to get Comet Azur in Elden Ring. Be sure to also check out our guide wiki to learn more important details about the game, including where to find the Meteorite Staff, where to find Sorceress Sellen, and the ever-important beginner tips and tricks.
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Published: Apr 5, 2022 1:27 AM UTC