Choices on the first date:
- Yes of course I definitely know what I’m talking about
- Please stop yelling at me OR Tally ho, good sir
- The Youths will finally accept me
- Fashion
Choices on the second date:
- Father John Misto
- You can pick any flavor you want here
- Yeah. Why not?
- Show him you’re not wearing a wire OR Cite mutually assured destruction
- Rip that golf fairway
- Go with a classic
- Never too late to get back into it
Choices on the third date:
- Tomas Kalnoky
Choices on the first date:
- I know when to hold ’em
- I fought valiantly and my only regret was being bested
- Ask about his daughter
- Compliment his beard OR Ask about his dog
- No one can out-fish me
- This is a great oppor-tuna-ty for friendship!
Choices on the second date:
- Maybe if I fall in you’ll save me
- Put some bait on the hook
- Tie a knot or something
- Throw the stick towards the woods
- Rub that belly
Choices on the third date:
- Be honest with yourself
Hugo Vega
Choices on the first date:
- Blue nosed wigglyfish
- Political fish trivia
- Absolutely not
- We can learn a great deal from mother ocean
- We don’t have time for games here
- Any choice you make here will work just fine
- I bribed a child
- There is nothing on earth more satisfying than a good cheese board
Choices on the second date:
- We’ll see what we can do to not hurt your feelings too bad
- You can make any choice here
- Endor
- Edgar Rice Burroughs
- The Count of Monte Cristo
- Their Mother
- Hulk Hogan
- Poltergeist
- Dogs
- Zyzzyva
- Otter
- Ask again
- Ask again
- This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen
Choices on the third date:
- What… did I just watch?
- I’m glad I’m here with you
- This is a sneaking mission
- Quick, get inside of my shirt
- Give the crowd what they want
- Any choice here will work
- Go for it
Your choices in the beginning when it comes to Amanda don’t really matter with Craig. Your decisions will really start to count once you find yourself on the softball field with Craig at night.
Choices on the first date:
- Make sure you ask Craig about everything although the order does not matter.
- The right person will come eventually
- I mean…
Choices on the second date:
- Go to playground
- Look for clues
- Interrogate Joseph
- That sounds a little suspect, Joseph
- No (yes)
- Try to calm River down
- Move to another part of the park
- Go to the field
- Mat and Carmensita
- Check out those squirrels
- The tree
- Look for clues
- Interrogate River
- Good cop
- Move to another park of the park
- Go to the woods
- Look for clues
- Interrogate Robert
- Be bad cop
- Go deeper into the woods
- Yes
- Grimy brunch
Choices on the third date:
- Such a gentleman
- There won’t be
- Look at Craig’s butt
- Let’s put on a show
- Dunk him – Do it until he says he is done
- I’ll race you to the top
- Go overboard with compliments
- Hell yeah, bro
**Secret Death Ending: If you choose to keep jumping off the waterfall during this date you will eventually push yourself beyond your limits, which isn’t a good thing. The game will do its best to discourage you from continuously running to the top of the waterfall and jumping off but if you decide to keep doing so even after Craig leaves, you will ultimately fall to your death.
Choices on the first date:
- Chris
- Egg them on
- Go with something obscure
- Examine everything but the order doesn’t matter
- Either choice works for this one
- Oh yeah! OR I hope so
- We used the box recipe!
- Let the man buy his brownies
- Remember that one time…
- They seem nice OR They’re kinda weird
- Brownies fix everything
Choices on the second date:
- That’s now how DJing works
- Sandra
- Start with the Lawnmower OR Role the dice
- Running Man OR Sprinkler
- Cabbage Patch
- Moonwalk
- Death drop
- Watch out for blown out flip flops OR Let’s get tattoos of Mexican cuties
Choices on the third date:
- Can do!
- WINE!!!
- This view though…
- What’s it like owning a yacht?
- Long, Hard and Full of Seamen OR The Salty Swallow
- Do you like your mysteries… hot bodied?
**Secret Death Ending: During the second date with Joseph you are given the option to bust out some dance moves to help get the party started. You shouldn’t push yourself here. If you keep attempting to liven the party up with ridiculous dancing and then choose the option to attempt a backflip, you will have a tragic fall.
Choices on the first date:
- Look at everything although it doesn’t matter what order you do it in
- Your home is really impressive!
- Love me some word jumbles
- Thou Art the Tightest
- Snapdragons OR Honeysuckle
- I really admire how you handled that
Choices on the second date:
- Be classy
- Is everything okay?
- Tell a Dad Joke
- Thanks OR Cool
- I will use this to dry my tears for those I’ve lost
Choices on the third date:
- Cul-de-sac
- Abandon all hope, ye who enter here
- Coffee Spoon
- Softball field
- Bayside
- How many Goths does it take to crew in a lightbulb?
- Aquarium
- Cul-de-sac
- Give her the Banana Bread
- Do not choose the option: “We’re definitely not trespassing”
- Thou art welcome
Your choices at the bar don’t really matter too much as long as you do NOT choose to sleep with Robert on the first day.
Choices on the first date:
- Whiskey, straight up
- Whiskey hasn’t failed me yet
- You with the feds?
- Could you get the next round?
- You know it!
- I’m sorry OR This one’s for you, Pappy
- Of course
- You betcha
- Thanks for defending my honor
Choices on the second date:
- Hoist that rag, baby
- Say nothing
- Play along
- You’re lying
- I’m glad you told me OR maybe we deserve to be eaten by the Dover Ghost
Choices on the third date:
- To you
- He’d never convince the jury
- 80s reference
- Go with something I know
- Traveling grifter
- Working a couple short cons
- Daniel McSturgiss
- Ecclesiastes 12:7
- Paranormal Excursions of the Supernatural: Ice Road Ghost Truckers
- You trying to poison me?
- Yes
- Push it
- Tell him what he needs to hear
Published: Jul 27, 2017 6:57 AM UTC