Destiny 2’s Weekly Reset for 10/17/17
It’s that time again, Destiny 2 is getting rid of everything from last week and introducing some new activities and changes for players looking to continue building their legend over the next seven days. This means changes to strikes, certain activities leaving, and a new one on the way at a later date. Let’s dive in.
The first change of the week is Nightfall. This time it’s Exodus Crash which sees Guardians facing off against their favorite, time-sapping, disappearing boss Thaviks, the Depraved. The modifiers for the week are Prism (which sees the focus element change every 30 seconds or so, so make sure to bring a varied team with a varied loadout) and Timewarp: Rings (rings will appear in specific sections that grant you 30 seconds back for each one jumped through). The Nightfall itself isn’t too challenging, with not even the boss being very dangerous. The only issue is how long the final fight actually takes.
Thanks to Thaviks’ cloaking ability, he’s really hard to see for a majority of the fight. Just pick a corner, stick with your team, and continue to clear out adds until you see his large silhouette and use everything you have on him, taking extra care to utilize the focus element. If you use weapons like the Raid Sword, Merciless, or a really good shotgun, you should wear him down in no time. Also make sure to use the adds to constantly keep Orbs of Light generated, in order to make use of your powerful supers (a Celestial Nighthawk wearing Gunslinger can do a lot of damage during the Solar focus).
There are also new challenges to complete for Nightfall this week which grant some bonus Tokens letting you get more rewards from Commander Zavala:
Speed of Dark – Complete Nightfall with five or more minutes remaining.
Unbroken – Complete Nightfall with less than three deaths.
Faster Than Lightning – Defeat nine Shanks using melee attacks before killing Thaviks (kills from the entire fireteam count for this challenge).
This week’s Flashpoint event will take place on Titan, meaning you can expect to see Xur here later in the week as well. What’s good about Titan is that due to its small size when compared to the other locations available in Destiny 2, you don’t have to do that many events to complete it. Three or four public events should do the trick. Just make sure to get those Treasure Maps from Cayde-6 before diving in.
The only public events on Titan are the Walkers and the Witch Ritual. To make life easier, go for the Heroic Triggers. For the Walkers, just use the orbs dropped by the machine to open up all three domes houses Scorch Cannons. Once the third is opened it will automatically trigger. For the Witches, after taking out the first two Witches, remain on the plates and eliminate the small crystals that spawn over the large green portal.
Prestige Leviathan
After much waiting, the Prestige Leviathan raid will finally be available in Destiny 2, just not right away. It will be going live tomorrow on Oct. 18 at 10 AM PT/1 PM ET. Expect an update sometime before that. Do note that the new recommended Power Level will be 300 and that things will be a lot harder.
Ikora’s available story missions for Meditation are also refreshed. Below you’ll find the list of each one:
Riptide – Restore power to Titan.
Looped – Track down Cayde-6 on Nessus.
Utopia – Titan once again. Retrieve a Golden Age CPU. You get to drive a tank in this one.
All Milestones
All milestones will reset for the week. So Clan XP, raid completion, Call to Arms, and everything else will once again provide Powerful Rewards. Iron Banner has ended as well, but you can still expect to see Trials of the Nine when it returns this Friday.
Published: Oct 17, 2017 08:13 am