How to Get and Lose Grievances in Civ 6: Gathering Storm
Civilization 6: Gathering Storm overhauls democracy in a lot of positive ways, making it far more complex than before. One of the ways it does this is through the new Grievance system. Here’s what you need to know about how to get and lose Grievances in Civ 6: Gathering Storm.
In the past, declaring war was more or less black and white. If you avoided declaring war, you were a paragon of peace, and if you picked fights, you were considered a warmonger, and oftentimes other Civs would jump to denounce you.
However, Civ 6 adds a new layer of complexity known as Grievances, which gives you and other Civs justifiable reasons for war that the international community will support and not give a hard time over.
At any point during a game, you can go to the top right corner of the screen and click on a Civ’s portrait to go to their diplomacy screen, and then click the last option on the top bar to view the Grievances Log.
From here, you can see every screwed up thing you have done to each other. This can include starting wars, publicly denouncing, taking over friendly city-states, breaking promises such as not sending spies, being allies with a Civ that another Civ has issues with, and so on.
Most of the time, you get Grievances in large sums all at once by doing something similar to the above. If you want to use this as a reason for war, you should do it right away while it is at its highest point, as that will convince the international community that your cause of war is justified and minimize the impact it has on your relationships.
The exception would be occupying enemy cities which generates a small amount of Grievances per turn.
You lose Grievances over time, since it decays as long as you’re at peace with that Civ, but will decay slower in the later eras. That’s why you shouldn’t wait around if you want to go to war. As the game progresses, they no longer become active, and the Grievances become historical instead.
That’s just about all you need to know about how to get and lose Grievances in Civ 6: Gathering Storm. Experiment with the system in-game to get a better understanding of this new feature for Civilization 6: Gathering Storm.
Question: How to Get and Lose Grievances in Civ 6: Gathering Storm?
Answer: In sum, if you’re a jerk to someone, they will have justifiable beef with you and vice versa. If you two make up, and stay out of drama for a while, that will eventually dissipate and you can normalize relations, just like in real life.
Published: Feb 11, 2019 10:01 am