Bravely Default 2 is the new JRPG from Square Enix that just released on the Nintendo Switch. The series started on the 3DS, but this new game features an all-new story and colorful characters. The game’s combat revolves around jobs/classes that each player can customize to their heart’s content. Here are some of the best job combinations in Bravely Default 2.
White Mage/Black Mage
Best Bravely Default 2 Job Combinations
Gloria is perfect for these jobs because she focuses on restorative power and magic power, meaning she’s a great healer and magic damage dealer. It’s a good idea to pair up both of these jobs because you won’t always need to heal your party, leaving you time to deal some damage.
Since White Mages usually use staves, and staves are pretty weak, black magic is a great way to deal lots of magical damage to one or multiple enemies.
This job combination won’t be the primary way you deal damage in Bravely Default 2, but it gives your White Mage some options when she doesn’t have anything to do.
Best Bravely Default 2 Job Combinations
If you want a character’s turn to come around a lot quicker, consider pairing the Thief and Beastmaster jobs. They both have excellent speed and use lighter weapons like knives and bows.
This job combination also gives you access to a vast range of skills. Thieves can steal items, health, MP, BP, and have some excellent damaging attacks once their job level gets high enough.
Beastmasters can capture and store monsters, and then unleash them upon enemies. This means that you’ll have a host of different attacks if you take the time to capture monsters. These two jobs may not be the strongest, but with how often you’ll be attacking, the damage will start to add up fast.
Best Bravely Default 2 Job Combinations
Two of the best damage dealing classes in the game are perfect for each other. Berserkers are great at hitting many enemies at once, and Vanguards are good at getting the enemy’s attention away from your weaker characters.
The Berserker class also has access to a water attack, while the Vanguard has a few earth-based attacks. This leads to some versatility in attacking enemy weaknesses.
Be careful not to use the Berserker’s Vent Fury move after using the Vanguard’s Aggravate or Enrage, as Vent Fury lowers your defense, while Aggravate and Enrage bait the enemy into attacking you.
Red Mage/Monk
Best Bravely Default 2 Job Combinations
This job combination will cover all your bases in Bravely Default 2. Red Mages are excellent at healing, supporting, and doing magic damage, while Monks are fantastic at causing physical harm.
Monks have naturally high health but their moves require you to sacrifice your HP in order to use them. You can offset this by Braving and using an attack, then healing yourself with the Red Mage’s healing spells.
Red Mage fits well with any offensive job, but it works particularly well with Monk.
White Mage/Bard
Best Bravely Default 2 Job Combinations
The ultimate support combination in Bravely Default 2 is White Mage and Bard. You can heal your party members with White Mage moves, while the Bard can buff your entire party. With the use of Braving, Bards can increase stats like physical or magical defense by 60%, which is huge.
Bards can even increase stats like critical hit chance or offensive power. One of their final moves allows them to choose whose turn goes next, regardless of turn order, which is helpful.
The only drawback is that this combination doesn’t have many options when it comes to attacking. But it’s okay to have a character dedicated to healing and buffing your party.
Freelancer/Any Job
Best Bravely Default 2 Job Combinations
Freelancer is a job that goes well with anything, and is essential for the early game. Early abilities for the job allow you to see an enemy’s weakness, while another ability enables you to see all the unopened chests around you.
Later abilities allow you to gain more JP from fights, which is useful throughout the entire game. So, you should have each character master this job.
Freelancer goes with anything, so it’s your choice on what route you want to take.
Those are our tips for good job combinations in Bravely Default 2 in case you need some tips. For more help with this JRPG, check out some of our other guides below.
Published: Mar 4, 2021 12:18 AM UTC