Borderlands 3‘s Voracious Canopy area isn’t as densely packed with Crew Challenges as other areas, but it can still be easy to miss them if you don’t know where to look. That’s why we’re here to help with a guide.
Every Voracious Canopy Crew Challenge Location in Borderlands 3
To cut right to the chase, there are six total Crew Challenge locations you’ll need to track down in Borderlands 3’s Voracious Canopy area: One Dead Claptrap, one Legendary Hunt, three Ryphon Logs and Typhon’s Dead Drop.
Each one is fairly easy to reach, so follow the directions below to reach them without too many headaches.
Borderlands 3 Voracious Canopy Crew Challenge Locations – Dead Claptrap

The Voracious Canopy’s Dead Claptrap can be found in a system of caves hidden behind a waterfall.
To reach it, head East from the area’s Fast Travel Station and jump down into the pool of water that ‘s gathered beneath a massive waterfall. Then, head through the waterfall and make your way up the rocks to enter the cave system.
From there, just keep grappling your way up and back into the cave system to reach the Dead Claptrap.
Borderlands 3 Voracious Canopy Crew Challenge Locations – Legendary Hunt

The Legendary Hunt can be found in the Northwestern-most section of the map, though triggering it can be tricky.
After reaching the section of the map, look for a small hut at its northern tip. Head right up to the entrance of the hut, and then the legendary creature hiding inside will reveal itself.
Where to Find Every Voracious Canopy Typhon Log

The first Typhon Log is on top of an elevated wooden tower East of the area’s Fast Travel station.
To reach it, head toward the point shown on the map above. Before reaching it though, grapple up onto some rocks off of the map to the right of the marker. This will allow you to jump over to the bottom platform of the tower.
From there, head to the back of the platform and grapple up onto the rocks the tower is built into to reach the top of the tower.

The next Typhon Log is found near the end of the wreck of the Jakobs Family Jewel.
From the second set of Vending Machines, head right and grapple up an array of crates and tree roots. Then, make your way to the southern tip of the map. The Log will be in a bedroom next to a red chair.

The third Log can be found in the Science Outpost, at the edge of a cliff next to the top of an elevated series of buildings.
To reach it, grapple up some crates and cages found at the base of the buildings. Grapple up them and then grapple up onto a platform to your left. Then, turn right and head up a staircase toward the top of the structure. Continue forward, and then the Log will be to your right.
Where to Find Typhon’s Voracious Canopy Dead Drop

After you’ve collected every Log, the area’s Dead Drop location will be revealed.
To reach it, head to the location of the Legendary Hunt in the Northwestern-most corner of the map. Head behind the Legendary Hunt’s marker, and then make your way up a hill hidden behind a small hut. Once you reach the top, the Dead Drop will be to your right.
That’s every Crew Challenge location in Borderlands 3’s Voracious Canopy area. For more tips, tricks and secrets, be sure to check out our Borderlands 3 guide wiki as well as our guides on how to get the Lucky Dice and Annexing Jericho gear.
Published: Sep 27, 2019 7:16 PM UTC