Male Tuxedo Mod
Best Tekken 7 Mods
Just because you’re breaking faces doesn’t mean you can’t look dapper dandy, young man. If you’ve ever taken a look at the robust physique of Heihachi Mishima and decided that he would be much more appealing if he was rocking a tux, then this is just the mod for you!
We won’t question your taste in men… Just be aware that he doesn’t really love you and is probably just waiting for his opportunity to throw you off a cliff. Wee!
Best Tekken 7 Mods
Tekken 7 features a stage dubbed the Mishima Dojo, that takes place at a Buddhist shrine in the dead of night. It looks gorgeous, but it may make you long for the similar Honmaru level from Tekken 4. So why not marry the two?
Applying this mod will transform the tranquil Mishima Dojo to its more sinister predecessor, complete with unsettling lighting. Try not to damage the floorboards, they’re more expensive than you’d think.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Music Jukebox
Best Tekken 7 Mods
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 isn’t just fun to say really fast three times in a row, it’s also got some banging tracks that are certain to put a fire in your belly.
Being able to experience their glory while playing a different Tekken game is not only spiffy, but a little bit meta as well.
Faster Loading Speed
Best Tekken 7 Mods
Look at those faces. The boredom creeping upon their expressions. You’re never in a situation in real life where you challenge someone to fisticuffs, only to be left waiting for twenty seconds before any blows can be exchanged – so why should you settle for that in your gaming experience?
If you’re sick of the game Tekken its time (zing!) then take a look at this handy mod that cuts down on the loading time before matches. It glitches the visuals and surrounds the combatants with green orbs that bring back unfortunate memories of Ballz 3D, but it’s temporary, and merely the price you must pay for true speed.
Diva Bikini Barefoot and No Accessories
Best Tekken 7 Mods
Have you ever been playing as one of the female fighters in Tekken 7 and thought to yourself: ‘the diva bikini would be so much better if they were barefoot and not wearing a necklace?’ …Don’t lie, you know you have!
And at long last, the solution is here, with a mod that removes these cumbersome items and lets you enjoy your character, unimpeded. The length at which this will improve your gameplay experience is dependent on you, really, but judging by the number of views the mod has received so far, there is clearly a market for this kind of thing. People don’t seem quite as thrilled when I’m in my bikini.
Male Fundoshi Mod
Best Tekken 7 Mods
Because objectification swings both ways, you know.
With this spectacular mod, you can adorn your sweaty fellas with a fundoshi for them to prance about in, emphasis on the fun. This famous Japanese undergarment is the same style as those worn by ancient samurai warriors, and will evoke the spirit of a champion. It probably does very little to protect your junk, though.
Heihachi’s Xiaoyu School Cosplay
Best Tekken 7 Mods
Well then… hoo boy… umm… you know what? …Yeah, that happened.
If your dreams of Heihachi in a suit didn’t work (he threw you off that cliff again, didn’t he?), then perhaps he’ll be more willing to not only change into Xiaoyu’s bright pink schoolgirl outfit, but transform his very body to better suit his new attire. He’s a very enterprising fellow, old Heihachi, so we can only assume that this dedication to cosplay has some sort of business plan behind it all. Would you like to invest?
Lucky Gigas
Best Tekken 7 Mods
Well, here we are. We’ve reached that point in our lives where nothing is sacred anymore, and have somehow created this hell spawn that melds Gigas with Lucky Chloe (lucky for some, it seems).
It’s hard to work out the most disturbing part, whether it’s the gangly limbs or the horrified expression peeking out from underneath the mask. You can just hear it wheezing for a merciful end to its suffering like the failed Ripley clone from Alien Resurrection, so as that good old meme goes: KILL IT WITH FIRE.
Published: May 1, 2018 6:23 PM UTC