As the stakes get higher with both Kraven the Hunter and Venom visiting the Big Apple, there is no doubt that both Peter Parker and Miles Morales need to up their skills when combatting these foes and their followers. It takes more than just a sticky web to stop evil in its tracks, and if you are hoping to get a leg up, getting the right skills can go a long way in ensuring your survival and their demise. This guide to all the best skills in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 for Peter and Miles will certainly be useful.
Best Shared Skills in Spider-Man 2

When it comes to unlockable skills in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, they can be categorized into three sections. There’s one that is shared among both heroes and then there are individual skill trees as well. In terms of the shared tree, here are some of the best skills you should aim to unlock as soon as you have the skill points and story progression to match.
There will be minor spoilers due to the nature of some of the skills discussed in the guide, so proceed with caution.
Parry Disarm

Parrying is a key part of defense in Spider-Man 2; why not make it work even more effectively by disarming your opponent when you are successful? An easy unlock right from the start, get this to render those foes with melee weapons a more vulnerable foe.
Combo Resupply

Gadgets are also essential to the heroes’ arsenal, but they come with limited shots that need to be refilled before they can be used again. This skill will add a chance for a free gadget shot for every 4-hit combo, which occurs frequently. Make full use of this additional usage and make your enemies pay for their foolishness.
Perfect Dodge Recharge

Other than parrying, some attacks are better off being dodged, and this skill makes it so that your abilities are partially recharged at the same time. This allows defense to turn into offense quickly, keeping the pressure up on your opponents, especially when there are lots of enemies to vanquish.
KO Recharge

Similarly, recharging your abilities when performing KO’s, Finishers, and Stealth Takedowns will let players unleash their more powerful skills more regularly during combat.
Web Throw

Running out of environmental objects to use as a weapon? Turn your enemy against their own by unlocking this skill, which allows webbed up/electrified/Venom Stunned enemies to be thrown by holding down Triangle.

Another great parry skill, Amped will see successful parries grant additional Focus, which can then be used for healing and Finishers alike. Not only are you negating damage, but you will be setting up your enemies for something nasty later on, a win-win situation for both Spider-Men.
Best Skills in Spider-Man 2 For Peter Parker

Focusing on the original Spider-Man, Peter possesses some interesting skills thanks to the Spider Arms and later on in the game, Symbiote powers. He is able to control crowds more easily and can extend the beating via air combos to eliminate foes with ease using the Spider Arms, while the Symbiote powers are significantly more powerful options to have against multiple enemies.
Spider Rush

A great move to start things off, Spider Rush will propel Peter forward, damaging enemies along a straight path. Send them up against a wall or off the sides of buildings for an instant knockout, but this is only the beginning.
Spider Rush: Tornado

Unlocking this enhancement skill will see Spider Rush gain more utility, pulling enemies in towards Spider-Man from further out. This ensures that a slightly wayward aim still ends up grabbing enemies in for some damage.
Spider Rush: Express Webbing

Lastly, getting Express Webbing will instantly web up the first three targets hit by Spider Rush. Use this to your advantage to get rid of your foes easily by executing the skill and aim for the environment around you.
Symbiote Yank: Empowered

Once Peter is in possession of the Symbiote suit, unlock this skill for a truly satisfying crowd control manoeuvre. Symbiote Yank will see the hero grab multiple enemies around him and slam them down on the ground, either eliminating or disabling them for a while. With Empowered, the skill no longer has a limit on the number of enemies being pulled in, which bodes well for Peter when faced with large crowds.
Symbiote Blast: Might

Symbiote Blast is already an amazing damage-dealing skill, with its spikes extending outwards of Peter to hit enemies. Add Might into the equation, and there is an even bigger reaction that does more damage, which is always welcomed.
Surge: Alien Harmony

Unlocking Surge: Alien Harmony will make players unstoppable for even longer. Using Surge mode will increase both the damage and durability of the hero, and having it activated for longer is only going to help in tough battles to come.
Do You Lose Symbiote Skills?

At some point, Peter will realize the harmful effects of donning the Symbiote suit with the help of his loved ones, finally removing it to save himself. While he is safe from its harmful nature, this also means that he won’t have access to those powerful skills, at least for a short while.
Once the Anti-Venom suit becomes available, there will be a few new skills that can become players’ new go-to’s. This includes Anti-Venom Tempest and Anti-Venom Bomb, in addition to variants on previous existing skills.
Best Skills in Spider-Man 2 For Miles Morales

As for the younger Spider-Man, Miles’ Venom powers are a sight to behold when facing the enemy. His crowd-control abilities are also useful in a variety of situations and are potentially more powerful when compared to Peter’s unaltered form. Here are some of the more useful skills that should be on your list:
Venom Punch: Concentrated Force

While the original Venom Punch is already great, adding this enhancement will catch more enemies within a conical range. This makes it a great combo starter that can lessen enemy numbers straight from the off.
Venom Smash: Jolt

Another AoE skill that can be made better, adding Jolt to Venom Smash not only sees damage dealt on the initial ground smash, but tapping L1+Circle a second time will lift those affected enemies up into the air, allowing for more air combos or just taking them out of the fight for a while.
Venom Clouds

While it’s great to be on the offensive all the time, sometimes, survival is more important. This skill unlock makes it possible for Venom abilities to give off a Venom Cloud that can heal Miles, recharge abilities, and stun enemies. Evolved Venom Clouds are even more useful, detonating and knocking enemies down.
Mega Venom Blast: Beacon of Might

The ultimate skill of Miles can be made even better with Beacon of Might. While the initial blast will heavily damage those caught in its radius, this upgrade will blind all human enemies outside the damage area as well with a large radial flash, buying you more time to make the next move.
Reverse Flux: Boost

The Reverse Flux already does a great job in pulling enemies into Miles’ melee range, but with the Boost skill, it gets even better. When four or more enemies are pulled in, it will generate three lightning bolts that strike additional nearby targets, increasing the damage potential for our hero.
Galvanize: Shock & Awe

Using Galvanize sees an enemy get electrified, and further attacks will send residual bolts that hit other foes around. Shock & Awe, on the other hand, removes the need for additional attacks. Hold Triangle to yank the affected enemy down to cause a bioelectric blast, another great way to take care of groups.
It is vital to note that not all the skills will be available straightaway, even if you have spare Skill Points to assign. As you complete many of the other activities available in the game, you are free to power up either Peter or Miles however you see fit, but these are the skills that we highly recommend for a better time in New York City.
Now that you are all caught up on the best skills in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 for Peter and Miles, get ready for a superhero adventure unlike any other. For more help, check out related content below, or search Twinfinite for even more tips and tricks.
Published: Oct 21, 2023 11:00 am