How to Beat Hello Neighbor

Act 3

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After you receive and read the letter you will find yourself in a new location in Hello Neighbor. Make your way across the street where there is a car in the neighbor’s yard. Grab the key out the trunk and go into the house. This will trigger another cutscene. After the cutscene, pick the phone up and watch another  Hello Neighbor cutscene. After you enter the neighbor’s house through the front door, follow the right corridor until you reach the stairs. You should notice a small wall lamp that, for some reason, you can actually jump on top of. Hop on the lamp and then jump towards the opening between the two black gates blocking off a room upstairs. Go over to the scattered collection of pictures on the wall and keep moving them until you uncover a secret passage. You can pull the lever to open up the gate or jump back through the gap and on to the stairs to make your way to the newly discovered passage. Go through and pass through the first areas until you reach a room with a crowbar inside a box on the wall. The crowbar is hot so you will not be able to hold it but it will cool off in your inventory over time. Grab the crowbar, jump down to reach a new area of the house, and pick up the umbrella that’s in this room.

Stand on the platform and throw an object at the switch behind the couch. This will make the platform rise and grant you access to a new door. You will be tasked with getting a cart to the end of a strange corridor with five objects inside but there will be Hello Neighbor dummies there to attempt to interrupt you. Crouch down when the dummies are coming near you so they will lose interest. If they don’t give up the chase, however, run and avoid them or you’ll have to start over and your items will be removed from the cart. Once you get past the cash register, go towards the door with the exit sign on them. You will find yourself back at your neighbor’s house.

Go to the back of the house in Hello Neighbor and use boxes to reach the small window that is open and has its cover hanging off. If you look through you’ll see a level you can pull. Pull it to open doors in the house. Now use any object to break the large window right next to the small one you just looked through. Go inside and go to your left until you discover a ladder. Climb all the way to the top and then go through the door. Jump on to the train track and then jump over to the Hello Neighbor area where there is a passage in the floor. Jump through this hole to reach a new area where you will find a sort of control panel. Use the button and level to turn the train on, which will allow it to start running around the roof.

Now you’ll need to get the red key. Go towards the room that had the crowbar and umbrella in it. You will notice a cage on the wall with a lever in side. Throw a shoe at the level to switch it. This will cause the compartment holding the red key to open up in Hello Neighbor. Go grab the key and then make your way to the train car. The train will stop inside buildings. Place some boxes and an armchair in front of the train. Then use the pipe right next to the train to jump on before jumping on to the roof of the train car. As the train makes its away around the track again, you’ll want to actually jump on top of the roof as the train prepares to go through a small corridor that’s too small for you to go through while on the train.

Go to the Hello Neighbor section of the roof with trees. You’ll find a hatch with a yellow triangle on it. Open it up and toss one of the cardboard boxes inside. Now the umbrella is going to come in handy. Next to the hatch there is a portion of the roof that will lead you to a pipe you can walk on. There is a building with a slanted roof and an odd structure hanging between two beams. You can jump over to this but you’ll have to use the umbrella so you can glide your way across the gap. Go inside this weird Hello Neighbor building and find the door with the red lock. Unlock this with the red key and go into the new location.

Use the various furniture in here to climb up and then throw a cup or any item at the shelf that’s preventing you from moving forward towards the green exit sign. Now you’ll need to jump to the toaster, which will shoot you out and toss you all the way up to the higher shelves. Pick up the darts you will discover here. You don’t need them for now but you’ll soon be happy you have them. Now you’ll need to focus on the paper plane. Start pushing the paper plane and then hop inside it to reach the next shelf. Continue your journey climbing up even more by utilizing the darts. Throw the darts into the furniture to use them as makeshift steps to climb on top of objects that are a bit too tall for you. Finally you will be able to see a red lamp. Jump towards it and you will see a prompt instructing you to use the jump button again. Quickly jump again and you’ll be able to reach a new location. You will also have the ability to double jump moving forward.

Now it’s time for you to focus on grabbing the green key. Go to the room that had the tracks in it. You used this room earlier to get to the roof section with trees. There is a section in the wall where you can see cardboard boxes stacked. Get the boxes out the way by building a tower with them in order to continue. When you go into the next room you’ll see a green key on the floor. Pick it up and go back to the other area so you can go down the stairs. Head to the door at the bottom of the stairs with a green light over it. This will take you to a new location where dummies will be after you once again. The goal is to make your way through this dark room to reach the door with the green exit sign. In order to dodge the dummies you’ll need to hide inside lockers when they are approaching you.

Once you make it to the door, the time will come for you to focus on finding the basement access card. The card is inside the neighbor’s freezer but you’ll need to turn off the freezer in order to actually grab it. Head to the train tracks again and travel along until you reach the side of the house that has two long windows with a long wire coming out of one of them. The wire is running into a generator that is locked in a cage. Use the umbrella to hop inside the window that the wire is coming out of. Follow the wire into a room with blue wallpaper. There is a painting that shows what the room used to look like. You need to collect all the items in the room and rearrange the room to look like how it looks in the painting. Once you do this the cage that houses the generator will open up. Jump over to the cage and turn the generator off.

Cutting the power means the ice in the freezer is starting to thaw. Make your way back to the neighbor’s freezer and grab the key card. If you don’t already have a crowbar you need to find one. Go to the room where you raised the platform up like a small elevator and grab the crowbar there. Make your way to the basement door and use the crowbar to remove the planks nailed into the door. Slide in the access card now and you will be granted access to a dim location that looks similar to the area you saw in Act 1 of Hello Neighbor. Go left and follow the long hallway. You’ll eventually find a fence blocking off two doors — one with a green light and one with a red light. Jump on to a pipe and then jump over the gate and go towards the exit sign. Enter this door and go to the end of the next hallway until you reach a white door. This will take you to the final location of Hello Neighbor.

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Taylor Danielle
Just a girl that likes gaming, anime & singing K Pop in the shower. She's worked as an entertainment journalist for roughly four years but finds rumors about video games to be way more interesting than gossip about real people. Go figure. Taylor wrote for Twinfinite from 2016 through until 2018 covering everything anime and The Sims 4, among anything else that caught her eye.