While most of Ubisoft’s latest action-RPG takes place in England, there’s also a substantial questline that takes you to locations in Norse mythology —Asgard and Jotunheim to be exact. Here’s a walkthrough of The Big Finish Assassin’s Creed Valhalla quest if you’re struggling to complete it.
The Big Finish Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Quest Walkthrough
Important note: This quest is bugged on Xbox Series X consoles, and there is currently no fix. Players have reported that after being tasked with retrieving the paint they are unable to initiate the next cutscene. Unfortunately, if you’re experiencing the same then you will have to wait until a hotfix or patch is issued by Ubisoft.
This quest is the final story in the first Asgard quest arc, in which The Builder is gearing up to deliver on his promise to create a magical barrier that he claims will protect Asgard from the Jotnar.
That means your first port of call is to visit The Builder’s Tower and speak with him, which should be marked nice and clearly if you’ve remembered to track the quest. If not, it’s fairly close to Asgard’s main city center, except you’ll have to traverse your way down to sea level to get there. As soon as you see the tower for the first time Eivor will mention it, anyway, so you shouldn’t get lost.
After visiting the tower you’ll meet up with Tyr, Thor, Loki, and Freyja who are all with The Builder. A cutscene then plays out as The Builder explains that he requires some enchanted paint to complete his project.
From here, you’ll travel with Loki to an area described as “activity south of the Tower.” There is a waypoint you can head toward which will take you to an underground cavern where the paint is located. It’s all pretty straight forward from here on out, with just a few shape-shifting Jotnar to deal with before finding the paint.
You just have to carry a pot of paint back to The Builder and drop it on the ground near him to initiate the next cutscene.
After you’ve done this, The Builder will reveal his true intentions and turn into a giant Jotunn creature that you have to battle.
How to Beat The Builder in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s The Big Finish Quest
The Builder is one of the harder boss battles in Valhalla, requiring a fair bit of accuracy and evasive maneuvers to overcome. Like most bosses in the game, he has two different phases, with the second one ramping up the difficulty even further.
Before we get into the strategy, note that there are two arrow caches and two patches of health mushrooms on the outer rim of the circular area you’re fighting. Keep this in mind if you need resources during the fight.
Now, onto the fight itself. The Builder’s first form isn’t too hard to beat since there’s a trick to whittling down his guard and HP fairly quickly. All you need to do is wait for him to strike the ground and create a shockwave that kicks Eivor up into the air, giving Eivor the opportunity to whip out the bow and shoot The Builder on the top of the head.
Still, you’ll have to watch and learn The Builder’s attack patterns carefully so that you know when to strike and when to back away.
His normal attacks are pretty easy to avoid –a single swing of his hammer, a short running charge and then a swing, or a stomp– and you should be able to get a quick counter-attack in after.
The attack you need to be very careful to avoid is when he strikes the ground and creates a white power orb. Confusingly, it’s a similar animation to the strike that causes the shockwave which pops Eivor into the air, but this one will do big damage if you’re caught by it.
One trick to remember is that you can actually hit the white orb yourself and instantly stun The Builder, giving you a couple of seconds to hit him for free. Always make sure you’re keeping an eye on your Adrenaline levels and using any special abilities you have that could be useful.
Once you’ve got The Builder down to half health he’ll move into phase two, which introduces some new attacks. Namely, throwing beams of light at you that travel along the ground, and a circular cage of light that traps Eivor if you’re not careful to avoid it.
The name of the game here is dodging, and it’s for that reason we recommend equipping Eivor with gear that has high evasion. As long as you get your timing right and have the stamina to keep dodging, you should be fine. And actually, even if you do get caught inside the cage, The Builder’s attacks can still easily be avoided with careful dodging.
Throughout this second phase, The Builder will still occasionally strike the ground with his hammer and kick Eivor into the air. If you have arrows left, be ready to use the bow and arrow to shoot the top of his head.
Hopefully, you’re able to beat The Builder without too many deaths. You’ll then watch a brief cutscene play out before the Asgard questline finishes.
That’s it for our The Big Finish Assassin’s Creed Valhalla quest guide. For more useful tips on the game, be sure to check out Twinfinite’s wiki.
Published: Nov 16, 2020 5:39 PM UTC