The latest Test Drive Unlimited game is finally here and it’s not lacking in size, boasting a 1 to 1 scale representation of Hong Kong Island. And it’s put to good use too, with collectibles hidden all over the place. In Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown, you can earn two legendary cars by finding the wreck collectibles hidden throughout Hong Kong Island. We’ll help you pinpoint all wreck locations in Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown with this helpful guide.
Every Wreck Location in Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown
There are a total of 28 wrecks located around Hong Kong Island’s 14 districts. The wrecks are categorized into two categories: off-road and classic. We’ve organized wrecks by district, and included images showing you the exact map location and a visual of what the environment looks like.
If you’re still having difficulty pinpointing the exact location, there’s always the proximity icon and beeping noise indicating how hot or cold you are from the wrecks nearby location. Additionally, you can keep track of how many wrecks per district you’ve found by looking at the icons on the map screen.
District 1 – Aberdeen
Off-Road Wreck #1
Just north of the gas station in Aberdeen right before the tunnel.

Off-Road Wreck #2
This one’s off a hidden trail to the right of the Meeting Point in the dirt road intersection. The wreck is at the end of the hidden trail near the water’s edge, so be sure to bring an off-road vehicle.

Classic Wreck Location
Another one in up in the mountains along a hidden dirt trail. This time, head south closer to the Aberdeen town center.

District 2 – Causeway Bay
Off-Road Wreck Location
Head south of the Solar Hotel and take the hidden trail past the wooden plank walkway. The wreck is on a little isle.

Classic Wreck Location
This one is located underneath a highway system just north of the Causeway Bay gas station.

District 3 – Central District
Off-Road Wreck Location
To the northeast of the British Dealership you’ll see a pier with stairs. The VW Beetle wreck is located down the stairs tucked round the corner.

District 4 – Pok Fu Lam
Off-Road Wreck Location
This one requires some maneuvering to reach the hidden trail. The easiest way is to enter the trail from the southern direction. Head past the speadtrap north of the British Classic dealership and take a left to enter the hidden path, follow the path until you see some stairs and find the wrecked Beetle.

Classic Wreck Location
On the southwest corner of Pak Fu Lam, there’s a small city center. Head behind the city center by taking the hidden dirt pathway; the wreck is along this pathway.

District 5 – Quarry Bay
Off-Road Wreck Location
There’s only one entrance to the location of this wreck. This first image below shows the entry point on the map. Follow the dirt path all the way to the end to the point shown in the second map image to get to the Beetle.

Classic Wreck Location
This one is northeast of the Quarry Bay Meeting Point. The wreck is across from a pirate ship.

District 6 – Happy Valley
Off-Road Wreck Location
This one is located in the corner of a gas station.

Classic Wreck Location
Enter into the Happy Valley speedway and head to the northern corner. The wreck is on a secret path leading inside and away from the main track.

District 7 – Repulse Bay
Off-Road Wreck Location
This one’s located right on the beach just south of the Ferrari dealership.

Classic Wreck Location
Up from the main road leading to the Repulse Bay town proper, you’ll see a golf course. Take a secret path up towerd the end and the classic Mercedes is located against a small building.

District 8 – Chai Wan
Off-Road Wreck Location
You can reach this location one of two ways; either from the top of the hill along a winding road, or at the bottom of the hill past some apartments. Either way, the wreck is located next to some benches in front of some buildings.

Classic Wreck Location
Head north of the Street HQ, the wreck is in the middle of a shipping yard filled with containers.

District 9 – Shek O
Off-Road Wreck Location
Take the small hidden path up the hill and you’ll find the wreck sitting near a small building overlooking the lake.

Classic Wreck Location
This one’s all the way to the east of Hong Kong Island. Go east of the Meeting Point and follow the northern hidden trail all the way to the end.

District 10 – Stanley
Off-Road Wreck Location
The Beetle is parked off the main road next to a van and house.

Classic Wreck Location
Take the hidden trail entrance shown in the image below. Follow the trail down to the point shown in the second image. The wreck is sitting next to a house.

District 11 – Tai Tam
Off-Road Wreck Location
North of the Tai Tam Meeting Point, there’s a small hidden trail; take the dirt trail to the end to find the Beetle wreck.

Classic Wreck Location
Take the hidden trail entrance south of the speed track as shown in the image below. Follow the hidden trail north and take the first fork all the way up to get to the wreck up above.

District 12 – Victoria Peak
Classic Wreck Location
Head a little northeast of the Offroad dealership. The wreck is in the middle of a construction zone just behind some orange barriers.

District 13 – Wan Chai
Off-Road Wreck Location
Head south of the Wan Chai Meeting Point. The wreck is under an open garage.

Classic Wreck Location
Two blocks south of the gas station, you’ll find a ramp; the wreck is to the left of the ramp.

District 14 – Western District
Off-Road Wreck Location
Head up the road north of the Meeting Point. Follow the pier hidden trail all the way west to the point shown on the map below.

Classic Wreck Location #1
This wreck is situated at the top of the mountain south of the Sharp HQ. Just follow the road up the tallest point of the mountain and you’ll find the wreck sheltered by a building.

Classic Wreck Location #2
This one is located in the large garage to the northwest of the American Classic dealership.

Those are all of the wreck locations within Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown. Now that you finally own the two cars from this collection, check out the full vehicle list from every dealership here on Twinfinite.
Published: Sep 11, 2024 05:45 am