Capcom, the developers behind renowned RPG title Monster Hunter Rise, has recently unveiled the upcoming expansion pack for the game known as Sunbreak. The brand new DLC will feature a fresh storyline coupled with a whole new region of monsters. Once the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion pack drops out, players will meet a bunch of new characters at various points while working through the story. Here’s a list of all the characters coming in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.
Fiorayne will be your partner in the Sunbreak DLC, as she helps in leading the research team’s investigations into the mystery surrounding the Kingdom’s monsters. She’s a loyal member of the Royal Knights, whose voice is sourced from Valerie Arem.
Admiral Galleus
Admiral Galles is the leader of the Knights of the Royal Order and the commanding officer at Elgado Outpost. His primary role in the Sunbreak expansion is to lead the research at Elgado Outpost.
The Scientist Bahari
Bahari will be introduced as a bright scientist in the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak who will lead the research team at Elgado Outpost. On the other hand, he is also referred to be rather eccentric in the storyline.
The Quest Damsel Chichae
As the character’s name suggests, Chichae is the one and only quest receptionist at the Kamura Village. She will basically task players with various new challenges and assignments in Elgado Outpost.
The Smithy Minayle
Minayle, the young girl with expertise in her field, will emerge as the Operator of Elgado Outpost’s Smithy in the Sunbreak expansion. Players can ask Minayle to upgrade their weapons and armors to combat their foes effectively.
Oboro will be incorporated as a trader in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, who will be running the market in Elgado. He boasts impressive knowledge of items and other fields. Therefore, Oboro’s shop is the right place to purchase crafting items, potions, and traps.
Master Arlow
Capcom has recently released the profile for Arlow, who trains the members of Knights of the Royal Order. Meanwhile, he’s also researching ways to improve Hail Cutter’s cooldown effect.
Jae is voiced by Griffin Burns, who is mentioned to be a close-range melee unit. When it comes to Jae’s personality, he’s a bright and cheerful fighter of the Royal Knights who often choose to act before thinking.
Luchika is probably the last character or NPC of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion. She’s said to be a fine hunter; hence Dame Luchika specializes in ranged artillery.
The Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion is scheduled to release on June 30, 2022, with a price tag of $39.99. Contrary to the regular edition, the deluxe version will cost around $49.99. However, it must be noted that players must already have purchased Monster Hunter Rise to access the Sunbreak expansion pack.
If you’re unfamiliar with Monster Hunter Rise, you can read our review. It’s currently available on Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam.
Published: Apr 21, 2022 3:28 PM UTC