This article is over 8 years old and may contain outdated information
Pokemon GO is finally expanding its offering by opening itself up to Gen II. We’ve received some brand new baby Pokemon for the time being, with more promised to come in the future, but Niantic is being as tight-lipped as ever as they ramp up the hype once more. With that being said, there are plenty of fans who have been around for decades and are looking forward to particular monsters being added in.
With so many to choose from, though, we decided to focus on 25 Pokemon from Gen II that we feel absolutely have to make the jump over to the AR game that has taken the world by storm this year. These are some of the best of the best, as well as a few that are just plain ol’ adorable and would make perfect companions when out in the real world. Hopefully, if all goes well, we’ll soon see the lot popping up in nearby parks, infiltrating our workplaces, and surprising us when hatch some eggs.
Of course, we’d love to see the evolutions of some of the base forms you see on the list currently in Pokemon Go. Fingers crossed that Niantic has the same idea. Gen II is a great opportunity to really add something special to Pokemon Go.
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It just wouldn't be right to introduce Gen II to the mix and not throw in Eevee's lighter evolution. This beautiful, purple monster adds some beauty to any collection.
Of course, where Espeon goes, Umbreon is sure to follow. We can't have an incomplete set now can we?
Starters are hallmarks in every generation, with each carrying the torch of their predecessors as they introduce fans to a new world. Cyndaquil was an adorable new addition that gave Charmander a run for its money. Also, we would love to see the evolutions join the fun, as well.
Chikorita was yet another Grass-type starter that grows a plant on its body to show it's gotten stronger, but it actually looks better than its predecessor. We would love to have all three leafy forms of this starter in Pokemon GO.
Of course, you can't have Chikorita and Cyndaquil in Pokemon GO without having the adorable Totodile who eventually evolves into the ferocious Feraligatr.
Scizor is one seriously awesome Pokemon, and since Scyther is already in the game, it would make sense to add its more intimidating evolution.
With the latest update, we've received a bunch of baby Pokemon, yet somehow this tough little monster from Gen II was passed over.
Pokemon GO doesn't have enough adorableness among its ranks, so why not throw in the Little Bear Pokemon from Gen II. Even better is that we'll get to see it turn into the imposing Usaring.
Wobbuffet is one of those Pokemon who rose to popularity thanks to the anime. Jessie's Wobbuffet was a handful, always popping out of his Poke Ball. Those memories give this odd, blue Psychic-type a special place in the hearts of fans.
Onyx was an okay Pokemon in Gen I, but when Gen II introduced a Steel-type version, you knew the developers meant business.
Sneasel is an interesting Pokemon with it's Dark/Ice-typing. While this does give it a lot of weaknesses it's speed and attack power make for some solid utility. Plus, it's evolved form Weavile (who we also hope to see) has been in the spotlight thanks to Pokken Tournament.
You can't add in new Pokemon from Gen II and not include the stoic Legendary Dogs. Entei is a powerful Fire-type, which would make it a good swap for your Arcanine (if you've been lucky enough to get one), and it just looks so cool.
Raikou brings the thunder, as well as some Speed and Special stats to help make it a force to be reckoned with. It's a decently balanced Pokemon from Gen II, and it has only one weakness with some useful resistances.
Many would argue that Suicune is the best of the Legendary Dogs, so why not bring it into the fold with the upcoming wave?
We're not entirely sure how Porygon2 would work in Pokemon GO, since it must be traded to evolve in the core series, but it would be great to stumble across one of these when walking to work.
Mareep and its more powerful form, Ampharos, would make perfect additions to Pokemon GO. Electric-type monsters aren't the most common in the game, so it would be great to find a bunch of these sheep running around in the grass.
You can never have too many Ghost-types hanging nearby your cemeteries, and Misdreavus is among the best. We'd probably have to wait for its evolved form, Mismagius, though, since that wasn't introduced in Gen II.
Slowking has quite a few weaknesses, but it also has some useful resistances that make it a valuable addition to a team. Also, just look at the thing, who wouldn't want one?
This cute little fella would be great on its own, but getting a hold of its evolution Tyranitar would be even better!
Miltank is a powerful Pokemon that would make exploring around feels much more interesting. Instead of all those Caterpies and Spearows, you can get a cool Milk Cow. Also, if it manages to have one of its abilities, such as Thick Fat or Sap Sipper, it can seriously hold its own in battles.
Remember a long time ago when everyone thought there was a new Pokemon coming out named Pikablu? Eventually it was revealed to be Marill, another Mouse Pokemon, only this one is Water/Fairy-type. It's cute, and definitely useful in battle, so we wouldn't mind stumbling across one of these while out and about.
You can never have too many dogs, so Houndour would definitely fit the scene in Pokemon GO, especially when you get to evolve it into Houndoom.
Ho-oh is the Rainbow Pokemon and one of the two members of the Tower Duo. It's incredibly powerful (one of the most powerful out there) and is just beautiful to look at. We probably would have to wait for an event to get our hands on one, but it would be worth it.
Just like Ho-oh, Lugia is half of Gen II's Tower Duo. It as amazing defense and some useful resistances. Like its partner, it probably won't be made available by normal means, but if there's any Gen II Pokemon we really want, this is it.
Celebi was Gen II's Mew. This Psychic/Grass-type Pokemon and could only be captured by using the GS Ball for an event. Hopefully it would be a bit less complicated in Pokemon GO, but however they decide to include it, we'll be happy.
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Published: Dec 13, 2016 8:20 PM UTC