
Top 15 Best GTA Cheats of All Time

Who said cheaters never win?

Free Weapons Cheats

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The Grand Theft Auto series is all about the mayhem the player can cause while on mission. Fighting through gangs, escaping from police, blowing up random vehicles, you name it and it can be done. Of course, you wouldn’t fare too well at any of these tasks without any weapons. Sure, you can save up some in-game money and hit up an Ammunation, but when you need to get some action right away, one of the series’ best cheats gets the job done.

The free weapons cheat rears its head in every GTA game. Whether you’re mashing a series of button presses or typing something into your cellphone, this cheat takes a plain street thug and turns that person into a walking armory. 


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Ah, the Rhino. This armored behemoth is the vehicle of choice for those who want to cause a load of destruction, but don’t want to die themselves.

The Rhino tank in the GTA series is virtually indestructible. Its powerful cannon can take out any vehicle in one shot, and it can roll over obstacles, crushing anything in its path. Players who are prone to drawing the attention of law enforcement are very aware of just how deadly these machines can be. Good thing there are cheats to turn the tables. 

Super Jump (GTA V)

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As crazy as GTA is, it mostly remains grounded in reality. Movement around the world relies on running up huge hills, stealing cars, and piloting aircraft. While that’s all fine and dandy, sometimes you just want to jump over buildings and pepper your enemies with uzi fire.

GTA V’s super jump allows players to experience the thrill of being a powerful madman as they take to the skies with gun in hand. 

Invincibility (GTA V)

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Throughout GTA’s history, healing and armor cheats have been repeat appearances. Get into a firefight, duck into a corner, heal, repeat. While it’s helped menacing players enjoy mayhem over the years, it came with the need to stop the action before you died.

GTA V introduced five minutes of invincibility. No need to run, no need to hide. Just charge straight in and give your enemies hell. 

Lower Wanted Level

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This entry needs very little introduction. Sometimes you want to race around the city, hold up a few people, and cause some pretty explosions without any problems. You’re not in it to kill anyone, but sometimes it happens and then the law is after you. When you just want a relaxing day, be it in Liberty City, San Andreas, or Vice City, getting the cops off of your tail is the way to go.

Just pop in the cheat and voila, it’s like nothing ever happened. 

Raise Wanted Level

gta v raise wanted level

In complete contrast to those who just want to relax are those who want nothing more than to feel the thrill of the chase. To get the true GTA mayhem experience, you’ll need to max out your stars which can be difficult to do without dying. Thankfully, most of the GTAs have cheats that allow you to do so instantly. Why deal with the slow buildup when you can immediately turn the dial all the way to 11?

Hidden Items (GTA IV)

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This cheat is more along the lines of something hidden in game. But, it helps out quite a bit while playing GTA IV. If you head to one of the TW@ Internet Cafes and enter the URL “,” you’ll gain access to a different version of the world map.

This map shows off hidden items in the world, making the life of a collector much easier.

Explosive Super Punches

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Guns in GTA are fun, but who really needs them? Sometimes you get tired of the same old song and dance. You want to destroy the world, but you need a new method to do so. How about explosive punches?

This particular cheat didn’t come around until the more recent entries in the series, GTA IV and V. They enable you to deal grenade-like damage with the simple swing of your fist. Sending enemies and vehicles flying never gets old as you bully your way through each city. 

Healing and Ammo

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Healing and Ammo are reliable classics when it comes to cheats in the GTA series. You’re always going to be shot at, sometimes even when you’ve done nothing wrong, and ammo runs out quickly if you’re off causing mayhem. Thankfully, since the glory days of the PS1, players have been able to keep the action going with the help of a few button presses.

Low Gravity

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You weren’t always able to fly in the GTA series. For a long time there were only cars, then Rockstar added bikes. The Dodo in GTA III gave players a taste of flight that could not be forgotten. Unfortunately, the thing could not be flown for more than a few seconds.

But what if you could make just about anything fly with low gravity? That’s what players were able to do thanks to this cheat. For some extra fun, use a Rhino and fire your cannon behind you. The speed boost will turn you into the heaviest bird in the sky. 

Insane Pedestrians

gta pedestrians

Pedestrians can be pretty boring. They walk and drive about without a care in the world as you struggle to build your criminal empire. Other than becoming hysterical after you blow up that car that’s been chasing you, they’re pretty much just there.

Thanks to this cheat, however, they become a very integral part of the action. Actually, they become extraordinarily dangerous, attacking you on sight and killing one another in the process. It adds a whole new layer of survival to the experience that just didn’t exist before. 


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Weather in GTA has been pretty inconsequential for most of the series, but in GTA V it’s nothing short of astonishing. Rockstar has created the most beautiful game they have ever made, and the weather effects add to the realism of the world. Whether you just want a dramatic backdrop for your antics, or want to catch screens of the rain-slicked streets, the weather cheat is your friend.

Spawning Anything

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Spawning cars, planes, bikes, and more is just fun. You can do as you please with your new items. Create blockades, set up intricate explosions, build fortresses made out of vehicles, cause mayhem, you name it and you can probably do it.

These cheats are also very useful if you just want to get around in a very specific fashion. Sometimes it’s hard to find that perfect ride on the street. So why not summon one from the sky?

Vehicle of Death (San Andreas)

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Tanks are cool, but what if you could turn every vehicle in the game into a killing machine? That’s what the Vehicle of Death cheat in GTA: San Andreas allows players to do. When the cheat is used, your car becomes invincible and will destroy anything it touches. Chases become nothing more than a chain of fire and death as you tear through Rockstar’s version of LA. 

Recharge Special Ability

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This particular cheat is only available in GTA V. The three protagonists each have a special skill that helps to set them apart from the others. Franklin can slow time as he drives for better control, Michael can slow time while shooting for better aim, and Trevor goes on a rampage dealing more damage and taking less.

Depending on what it is that you enjoy doing in GTA V, these can each be very useful. Maybe you want to just challenge the police to deadly races and you need Franklin’s ability to survive. Or, you may want to start a gang war so Michael and Trevor’s combat inclinations need to be charged. Either way, the Recharge Special Ability cheat can be a life saver.

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Image of Ishmael Romero
Ishmael Romero
Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. A fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.