Compared to Medium and Heavy body types, the Light class has the most weapons by far. So here is a list of all Light weapons ranked from worst to best in The Finals.
The Light class is by far the fastest and most maneuverable class in the game by a long shot. Part of what makes that speed so powerful is the many varied weapons the class has at its disposal—compared to Medium and Heavy builds. From the longest precision rifles to the weapons that only work point-blank, Light’s weapons are as diverse as they are powerful. However, not all of them are equal in capability, that’s what we’re exploring here today.
9: Sword

The Sword is one of two melee weapons that the Light class has access to. However, it simply doesn’t do enough damage per its normal and alt fire attacks to justifiably be higher on this list. For example, it takes a minimum of a secondary stab attack with a primary slash attack just to take down one Light class enemy. Even worse, is that the primary slashes are one point of damage away from being able to down a Light in two swipes.
And don’t even think about trying to kill a Heavy with primary slashes unless you want to hit them literally five times. With a couple of simple buffs, I feel like this weapon could be much higher on the list and rival other zero-range weapon’s capabilities.
8: Throwing Knives

The throwing knives are a pretty interesting weapon as they are one of the few weapons in the game to not be hitscan. However, because they are projectiles, they are more susceptible to lag or brief server-side bouts of desync. While not enough to make them the worst on this list, they do remain quite specialized and niche. The infinite mag size means there’s no reload, but that also means the weapon itself has a slow fire-rate—a fair tradeoff.
It’s a good weapon if you want to play Light in a more supportive role where you’ll be tossing these knives from close to medium range. Unfortunately, that’s not where the Light class shines.
7: Dagger

The Dagger may just be the most niche weapon on this list, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. The gist is that you have to land an alt-fire attack as a backstab for this weapon to be any useful. Landing it means you can 1-shot any Light and Medium, and two shot a Heavy with a follow-up primary slash. It’s landing that backstab that makes this weapon difficult to use and recommend.
Because in order to backstab successfully you need to be very good at moment-to-moment placement in combat, while also either using Dash or Invisibility to close the distance. This high risk, high reward build-enabler for Light players is what makes this weapon the playmaker that it is, but ultimately less useful from moment to moment.
6: M11 Machine Pistol

The first proper gun on this list is a close-range shredder of HP. Its high DPS, high mag of 40 rounds, and short reload time of 1.7 seconds are all great on paper. However, this weapon is useless in long and even medium range engagements because of how severe the damage drop-off is. However, if you’re close enough, you can down a Heavy is about 1.5 seconds if all you’re landing is headshots.
Unfortunately, the gun’s iron sights combined with its poor horizontal recoil, makes aiming down sights a bit less intuitive than it should be.
5: SR-84 Sniper Rifle

The Finals’ only long-range bolt-action rifle is one that, like the shotgun, has its own particular play style, but falls short in every other regard. At range, this gun is very capable if you can reliably click those heads. Likewise, you may be in a high up position that gives you a good view of the battlefield, making it prime for those who like to communicate enemy positions.
That said, the sniper rifle falls a bit short, because it can only 1-shot the Light class with a headshot. Mediums and especially Heavies will always require two shots or more depending on how accurate you are. Ultimately, if headshots could 1-shot Mediums, I feel like this Sniper Rifle would be in a better place. Simply because it’s also fairly unreliable at close range on top of having a small 6-round mag and 3.3 second reload time.
4: SH1900 Double-barrel Shotgun

This shotgun, oh boy, is in the top 3 fastest-killing guns in The Finals. This is a fact born from its ability to delete ANY class, Light, Medium, or Heavy, in a mere two quick shots. So, why isn’t the SH1900 higher on this list? Because that’s all it is good at doing. This double-barrel shotgun has a fixed spread pattern that quickly balloons at any distance beyond a couple meters. It has a mag size of two and a reload time of 2.5 seconds.
That makes this weapon amazing for hit-and-run style tactics while using invisibility, but useless for anything outside of that narrow playstyle. Still quite fun though at the end of the day.
3: V95 Pistol

In The Finals, the more ways you can use a weapon, the better that weapon is. Now that we’re in the top 3, this can be seen in how effective these guns are at more than just one range. Take the V95 pistol for example, it’s good at close and medium ranges, has minimal recoil, a magazine size of 20, and a super-fast 1.3 second reload time. The fact that its silenced isn’t as important as your ability to 3 tap a Light, 5 tap a Medium, and 7 tap a Heavy if you’re landing nothing but headshots.
The gun’s iron-sights aren’t the easiest to handle but the recoil is quite manageable that when combined with the high semi-auto fire rate makes this a beast to use more often than not.
2: LH1 Rifle

While I love the V95, the LH1 semi-auto rifle barely won out due to its reliable medium and long range. Even more impressive is its 2x headshot multiplier. So, while a body shot does a respectable 47 damage, a headshot will clock in at a whopping 94. And because of its fast firerate, you can potentially delete even a Heavy in 4 rapid shots and a Light in 2. The only downsides are the moderately long 2.7 second reload time, and its pretty heavy recoil.
The lack of a scope also hurts a bit, but if you can manage the downsides, you will be deleting people left and right.
1: XP-54 Submachine Gun

Here we are, the number one spot belongs to the red dot scoped submachine gun. It’s just too well-rounded to not have landed in this spot. It’s like the M11 in its ability to delete people up close, but due to the slower firerate, scope, better recoil, and higher damage, this gun can handle medium range engagements nearly as well. In terms of downsides, its biggest may be its longer reload time of 2.45 seconds.
That said, it only takes 13 shots to the head to delete a Heavy, and even less than that for Mediums and Lights. So, the slower reload time doesn’t hurt as much when you can down any class in less than half of the gun’s total magazine size at close and medium range, accurately, in less time than it takes to reload.
This ranking list should be taken with a grain of salt, but it should give a good idea of which weapons are more useful more often than others. It will be interesting to see how future balance passes and content updates change up lists like the one above.
Published: Dec 20, 2023 11:00 PM UTC