Ghost of Tsushima’s Sakai Katana
Gaming’s 6 Most Satisfying Weapons of 2020
Ghost of Tsushima was easily one of the best and most stylish games we had the pleasure of playing in 2020. Jin Sakai’s quest to kick the Mongols off the isle of Tsushima was one filled with many trials and tribulations, culminating in an emotional ending that certainly left its mark on us.
Alas, Jin would have been no more than an innocent bystander amidst all the chaos if it wasn’t for the Sakai Katana, his family’s trusty blade that sliced and diced its way through Mongols like a hot knife through butter.
It wasn’t just a case of button mashing your way through the Mongol’s forces though. Jin’s stance had to be changed to match his enemy’s weapon type, adding an additional layer to the combat. But that made it all the more satisfying as you sifted through these on the move, countering enemies with relative ease and exploiting their weaknesses before dispatching them with a stylish, deadly finishing move.
No moment of the gameplay summed up how satisfying wielding the Sakai Katana was more than enabling Ghost Stance for the first time. Acting as a reward for defeating Mongol leaders or going on a kill streak, Ghost Stance sees the color drain from the screen and Jin embark on a killing rampage, slicing through the limbs and torsos of his cowering enemies with convincing slashes of the blade, the action briefly receiving a red overlay with each kill added to Jin’s tally.
It was gruesome yet stylish. Gory, but gratifying. Simple, but effective, and we could bang on about it for many, many more words. Alas, there are more weapons to discuss… and I’ll get told off if I rant about it any more!
Valorant’s Elderflame Weapon Skins
Gaming’s 6 Most Satisfying Weapons of 2020
When Riot Games’ Valorant released in June of last year, it was praised for its unique blend of tight gunplay similar to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and a compelling roster of “Agents” as seen in games like Overwatch.
Of course, it’s the former –the stellar shooting mechanics– that act as the foundation for this pick of the most satisfying weapons in 2020, with the Elderflame weapon skins just adding a bit more panache to the proceedings.
The complete set (four weapon skins and a knife skin) went on sale on Valorant’s store for an eye-watering $95. But we’d argue when the base designs look that good, and their kill animations really are quite like nothing else we’ve ever seen before, they’d be worth coughing up the cash for if you’re an avid Valorant player.
I mean, just feast your eyes on these bad boys in this trailer:
The Elderflame skins sure do raise the bar for cosmetic designs and animations… though the price tag that should accompany them is definitely still up for debate.
Johnny Silverhand’s Malorian Arms 3516 in Cyberpunk 2077
Gaming’s 6 Most Satisfying Weapons of 2020
Cyberpunk 2077 certainly has its share of issues, but underneath the bugs and crashes, there are certainly flashes of brilliance. Surprisingly for CD Projekt Red’s first ever shooter, gunplay is among the game’s best features, bolstered by a compelling range of weapons that offer some unique perks: smart weapons homing their bullets in on targets, power weapons spitting out bullets that ricochet off surfaces, and tech weapons that penetrate protective armor and cover to name but a few.
This makes picking out the single-most satisfying weapon in Cyberpunk 2077 quite the challenge. Tearing someone in half or decapitating them with the Mantis Blades is up there, as is the Overwatch Sniper that obliterates enemies from behind walls. But all of these pale in comparison to good ol’ Kean-…. I mean Johnny Silverhand’s Malorian Arms 3516 pistol.
Johnny Silverhand is a guy all about style and ‘cool’ above all else, and his pistol epitomizes exactly that. A standard shot feels punchier than your average pistol, delivering massive damage. Reloading the weapon isn’t just a case of replacing the clip, oh no. V twirls it in their hands in the process, adding that typical Silverhand flair to arguably the least enjoyable part of wielding a weapon in-game.
Get up-close-and-personal with an enemy while wielding the Malorian and hit the melee button for a special attack that leaves the enemy in a firey mess on the floor.
I’d seen people ranting and raving about the weapon online before I’d had the chance to try it out for myself, and admittedly thought there was a little hyperbole in-play, but once I wielded it, I too became a ranting, raving lunatic, intent on using it at every opportunity I possibly could. If that’s not the sign of a satisfying weapon, I don’t know what is.
Doom Eternal’s Super Shotgun / Meathook Combo
Gaming’s 6 Most Satisfying Weapons of 2020
While the jury is still out on whether or not Doom Eternal lived up to the series’ initial reboot back in 2016, there was one weapon that felt oh-so-satisfying to use. The Super Shotgun has frequently featured in the series prior to this, but in Doom Eternal it came into its own when it was paired up with the Meathook.
An attachment for the Super Shotgun, the Meathook allowed you to grapple onto enemies, flinging yourself through the air towards an enemy before blasting them with the insanely powerful double-barrel beast, leaving them as a pile of nothing but bits.
Given the fast-paced gameplay and butter-smooth framerate of Doom Eternal, flying through the air at ridiculous paces before watching your targeted enemy explode into a red mist really has to be experienced to be truly appreciated. The demon horde will never know what hit ’em.
Half-Life: Alyx’s Russells (Gravity Gloves)
Gaming’s 6 Most Satisfying Weapons of 2020
While strictly not a weapon in the same vein as other entries on this list, Half-Life: Alyx’s Gravity Gloves, named Russells — after their creator… though he tries to blag it’s an abbreviation of ‘Really Useful Something Something Electronic Lightweight Levitating S’ — they do play a huge part in the way you interact with the Quarantine Zone outside City 17.
They allow you to point at an object and usher it to you with a flick of your wrist in the VR title, making you feel like some all-powerful being. It’s the ingenuity behind the way these gloves are incorporated into the moment-to-moment gameplay that really makes them so satisfying to use.
Our reasoning for including these as a weapon? The Russells can be used to pluck grenades out of mid-air and launch them back at enemies. It’s one of the most satisfying ways we were able to take down enemies during our adventure through the Quarantine Zone. This requires good aim to pick the grenade out of the air as it’s flying towards you in the first place, and even better aim to quickly launch that hot potato right back from whence it came.
And if you’re looking for even more gravity glove goodness, the Glorious Gloves mod makes them even more powerful, essentially putting Half-Life 2’s Gravity Gun in each of your hands.
Any of Hades’ Weapons
Gaming’s 6 Most Satisfying Weapons of 2020
Is this a cop-out? You’re god-damn right it’s a cop-out. But after much deliberation, scouring the internet for comments that’d convince me one way or another that one of Hades‘ many weapons reigns supreme over the others, I could only come to one conclusion: all of Hades’ weapons are incredibly satisfying once you’ve taken the time to learn them.
While there are certainly some that reign supreme on the effectiveness front without Boons, such as the bow and fists, it’s these gifts from the Gods that really make each weapon feel wholly unique and satisfying. At least when you get the right combination.
Whacking any of Zeus’ boons on the Twin Fists is really something to behold, allowing you to stack status effects with a swift punch and watch as enemies fall in quick succession around you. Or pick up the Aegis Shield, luck out with Poseidon’s boons and make the best form of defense into one of the most formidable options in the game.
Whatever you pick, Hades’ fast-paced gameplay and gradual drip-feed of increased power to the player through repeated deaths never really makes any weapon feel like a ‘bad’ option. You’re sure to find your own personal favorites and preferred combinations with boons, but that’s what makes the gameplay so compelling and replayable.
Published: Jan 6, 2021 08:40 am