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8 Nintendo Direct Announcements We Still Can’t Get Over

Solaire From Dark Souls is Getting His Own Amiibo

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Biggest Surprises From The Nintendo Direct

dark souls, solaire

Praise the sun! Dark Souls Remastered is not only coming to Switch this May (which we knew already), but the title will be launching alongside an Amiibo figure of Solaire of Astora, otherwise known as the guy who does the “Praise the Sun” pose (it’s a pretty famous quote from Dark Souls, just in case you guys didn’t know).

Nintendo rarely offers Amiibo for any characters outside of their wheelhouse of properties, but Dark Souls is a huge game for the Switch and this Amiibo figure only shows that Nintendo is trying to make this launch a big deal. And guess what the Amiibo does in-game? You guessed it – it literally makes your character perform the pose for no rhyme or reason, just for giggles. That’s definitely worth a purchase on day one for sure.

Smash Bros. for Switch Is Coming in 2018

Biggest Surprises From The Nintendo Direct

smash bros, switch

It seems like we’ve been talking about Smash Bros. coming to Switch for the past five years at this point, even though the system just came out a year ago. Fans have been clamoring for either a Switch port of the Wii U/3DS versions or a new Smash Bros. title altogether for a while now, and during the Nintendo Direct, the company finally eased our concerns by announcing that a Smash Bros. title will be coming to Switch in 2018.

Now, the company did not give us any details on the title except for the fact that the Inklings from Splatoon would be joining the roster of characters, though it is nice to see Mario and Link return. We can assume that this is a upgraded port of the Wii U version, but Nintendo did not specify, meaning that there is a chance that this could be a new Smash Bros. altogether. Only time will tell.

South Park: The Fractured but Whole Is Coming to Switch

Biggest Surprises From The Nintendo Direct

south park, fractured but whole, buddies

The Switch has been getting its fair share of M-rated games since its launch a year ago as well as support from third-parties like Ubisoft and Bethesda. Ubisoft had great success with the launch of Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle on Switch, as well as Just Dance and Rayman, so it was only a matter of time before the company started bringing over more past titles from their vast library of games.

The announcement that South Park: The Fractured but Whole would be coming to Switch still surprised us, considering the highly mature themes and language that the title contains. We would have loved to see the first South Park RPG, Stick of Truth, head to the hybrid console as well, but you can’t win them all.

Undertale Announcement for Switch

Biggest Surprises From The Nintendo Direct

undertale, switch

Undertale has been released on Vita, PS4, and PC to highly positive reception. The indie darling not only has a quite touching narrative, but features an art-style and battle system that can’t help but remind you of Earthbound. With Earthbound not being able to be played on the Switch in any form (yet), Undertale is just as good and the Switch will be the perfect home for it.

You can finish the entire game without killing a single enemy by flirting, talking, and making deals with them instead of bashing their head in with a bat. Different endings will occur depending on how you play and if you do decide to go the true pacifist route but be prepared, as it’s a little bit difficult.

Crash Bandicoot Making His Way to Switch

Biggest Surprises From The Nintendo Direct

Crash Bandicoot: The N. Sane Trilogy, ps4, cheats

The remastered Crash Bandicoot Trilogy is on its way to Switch. A character that was once considered a PlayStation mascot will now be featured on a Nintendo console; what has the world come to? Does this mean that Crash might be able to join the Smash Bros. party? Will I be able to fight Crash with other company mascots like Sonic, Mega Man, and Mario?

Sorry to talk about Smash Bros., but Crash Bandicoot coming to Switch is just plain rad, especially since the system doesn’t really have too many games like this; a difficult 3D platformer that will make you tear your hair out – especially with those time trials!

Luigi’s Mansion Remake for 3DS

Biggest Surprises From The Nintendo Direct

We don’t think anyone saw this coming, especially for the Nintendo 3DS. That’s right, the original Luigi’s Mansion – yes, the game that came out way back in 2001 – is coming to the 3DS this year as a remake. Well not so much as a remake, but a straight-up port. The game is essentially how you remember it on the GameCube but with a few little features thrown in, like having the mansion map on the bottom screen and a boss rush mode.

Luigi’s Mansion would have been a great addition to the Switch library of games, but Nintendo seems to be waiting until their online service begins before they add virtual console to the Switch, which we understand. At least now, the first Luigi’s Mansion and its sequel are both playable on Nintendo’s handheld system, so that’s cool, right?

WarioWare Gold for 3DS

Biggest Surprises From The Nintendo Direct

Image result for warioware gold

Nintendo has not given us a new WarioWare game since the launch of the Wii U with Game and Wario, a game that – let’s face it – was not only bad, but really didn’t give us that proper WarioWare experience that we’ve been craving since the DS days.

WarioWare Gold seems to take a piece from every past WarioWare title and compiles it into one shiny package with updated character models, new microgames, and more wacky antics from Wario. Would we have loved to see this come to Switch? Of course we would have, but having it on the 3DS is fine, for now. We’re just surprised to see the 3DS still getting brand-new games even towards the end of 2018. It’s pretty insane.

Splatoon 2’s Octo Expansion

Biggest Surprises From The Nintendo Direct

Splatoon 2 has been out for almost a year now, and Nintendo has been going strong with support of the online multiplayer-focused shooter. We’ve been getting updates after updates full of new stages, outfits, weapons, and even new gameplay modes; we were surprised to find out that not only is the game getting another huge update, but a paid expansion is coming for the price of $19.99 that is single-player focused.

Octo Expansion puts you in the shoes of a special agent named… Octo. The trailer didn’t show off too much of the new single-player campaign, but with the price tag on the expansion, we’re sure that the content will be nothing short of monumental. The campaign in Splatoon 2 was probably the only mode in the game that felt lacking compared to the multiplayer modes, so knowing that Nintendo is planning on rebuilding it from the ground-up should be celebrated.

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Image of Greysun Morales
Greysun Morales
Greysun was formerly the Features Editor at Twinfinite and wrote for the site from 2017 to 2020. He eats ramen 12 times a week and will never get tired of it. Playing Games Since: 1993, Favorite Genres: Action-Adventure, JRPG, Platformers, and Anything With Ramen