The Tokyo Game Show (TGS) is fast approaching and even though much of the line up for what we will be seeing is known, you can bet there will still be a few surprises. Let’s dive in to what we hope to see at TGS this year.
Side Content For Final Fantasy VII Remake
Even though Final Fantasy VII Remake was announced back at E3 2015, we haven’t seen a lot of the game when you compare it to how other AAA games are marketed.
We have seen character reveals, combat, and some iconic story moments, but we haven’t really seen what side content is going to look like in the game.
Since the remake is being broken up into parts, Square Enix has said that the first part of the game will be set only in Midgar. They have also said that each part will be the length of a full game, and since this is a JRPG, you can assume that each part will be quite lengthy.
So considering the fact that in the original game, the Midgar section isn’t the length of a full game, Square Enix is going to have to add a lot to this remake in order to fill out every part? What could this be? Side quests, mini-games, dungeons?
We got some cool story moments from the new trailer that premiered today, but we want to see some other stuff, stuff that we’ll be doing when we’re not saving the world and fighting Sephiroth.
Shin Megami Tensei V
Atlus will be making an appearance at TGS but has only confirmed to be showing Persona 5 Royale and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. They do, however, have another game in the works that has been announced and never heard from since, and that’s Shin Megami Tensei V.
The game was revealed back in 2017 when the Nintendo Switch was first unveiled, and not a peep has been heard about the game since, despite multiple E3’s and Nintendo Directs going by.
Fans are begging at this point to even see a small bit of this game but it’s been radio silence for more than 2 years.
Atlus is promoting Persona 5 Royale heavily right now so they might not want to split fan’s attention away from it to SMT V. If now isn’t the time to show more of this game, when exactly IS the right time?
A Surprise From The Sonic Franchise
Sega is going to have a large presence at this year’s TGS with games like Yakuza 7, Phantasy Star Online 2 and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD. But a new Sonic game could really be a show stopper.
Since Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces came out in 2017, there haven’t been any mainline 2D or 3D Sonic games. To be fair, in this year alone, we have gotten Team Sonic Racing and Mario & Sonic At The Tokyo Olympic Games is releasing in November, but 2020 is wide open for a mainline Sonic game.
A sequel to Sonic Mania would be amazing but who knows if Sega is going to let Christian Whitehead (the director for Sonic Mania who was previously big in the Sonic Rom/Hacking community) make another game with them.
Considering Mania reviewed and sold really well, it would be surprising if we didn’t see a sequel to the acclaimed game. Could we see it at this years TGS though? We sure hope so.
A Classic From Konami
There is no doubting that Konami has been in a peculiar stop ever since their bad breakup with Hideo Kojima. There hasn’t been a lot going on with some of their most popular franchises like Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, and Castlevania (although the Castlevania Netflix series is an absolute masterpiece).Â
The fate of Metal Gear seems to be very up in the air so it’s any persons guess as it what is going on with that franchise, but Silent Hill & Castlevania are still very much on the table.
Yes, it’s been a while since we have heard anything from the Silent Hill series, but surely Konami has been paying attention to the resurgence of the survival horror genre with games like Resident Evil 2 Remake, Five Nights At Freddy’s, Outlast, and Dead By Daylight.
With this renaissance of horror going on, it would be really smart for Konami to bring back the Silent Hill franchise in a big way. Â
Castlevania, on the other hand, has managed to still be relevant, especially in the past couple of years. With the Netflix series, Simon & Richter being included in Smash, and the Castlevania Anniversary Collection, the series has definitely still been on people’s minds.
But the series hasn’t had a mainline game since 2014 and it would be really nice to explore Dracula’s castle in beautiful HD. We hope one of these two franchises makes an appearance at TGS 2019.
Published: Sep 11, 2019 10:40 am