Arc Titans have an up-and-down history throughout Destiny 2. Some Seasons, they’re left out to dry, and other Seasons, like the more recent ones, have them destroy everything in their path with ease. However, such Seasons are typically dictated by what Exotic armor they’re wearing. So today, we’re going over the top 10 Exotic armor pieces for Arc Titans in Destiny 2 as of the Lightfall DLC and Season of the Witch.
10. Dunemarchers

Kicking off the list is one of the Crucible’s worst nightmares, the Dunemarcher’s Exotic Leg armor. Before its nerf, the Dunemarchers allowed Titans to run around the map with increased speed and chain lightning to their enemies merely by punching them, a Titan’s specialty.
However, this Exotic was so strong that the chain lightning would either one-shot players or even go through solid objects like walls or buildings. Of course, this had to be stopped, and Bungie nerfed Dunemarchers, decreasing the chain lightning damage and removing its ability to go through solid objects.
It’s still a fun Exotic to use, but it’s nowhere near as potent as it once was.
9. ACD/0 Feedback Fence

The Feedback Fences are one of the more “skillful” Exotics to use in Destiny 2. Their gimmick is to release powerful Arc energy when you receive incoming Melee damage. Essentially, this Exotic takes the Titan’s specialty of close combat to another level, where being punched is like being immediately punched back, but instead of a fist, Arc energy does it for you.
However, it does take some practice, mainly when used in PvP, as running mindlessly into enemy lines trying to be punched won’t always work out. That said, while it’s very situational, its payoff is gratifying and will help you win a lot of dangerous situations.
8. Antaeus Wards

Every PvP player knows that throughout 2023, one Titan Exotic has been the bane of everyone’s existence: the Exotic leg armor, Antaeus Wards. This Exotic allowed Titans to slide around and reflect anything coming their way: bullets, rockets, even incoming Supers like a Nova Bomb, all by sliding. Needless to say, it was ludicrous, allowing Arc Titans to dominate the Crucible with little to no methods of stopping them.
At the midway point of Season of the Witch, Antaeus Wards were nerfed, now requiring full class ability energy in order to reflect incoming projectiles. While the nerf has brought them down quite a lot in terms of usage, with proper timing, the Exotic is still very potent in endgame PvP.
7. Eternal Warrior

Eternal Warrior has always been one of the worst Exotics in the game since it was introduced at the beginning of Destiny 2. Its previous ability was providing an Overshield to the user when using the Fist of Havoc Super.
Undoubtedly, this was one of the worst Exotic abilities in the game, as Fist of Havoc has rarely been useful for PvE or PvP, and providing an Overshield to the user wasn’t all that enticing to use an Exotic slot for. However, it has become far more viable with last Season’s rework of the Exotic.
Now, the Exotic provides a free bonus to weapon damage when you get Arc final blows, removing the need to run surges on your leg armor. While it still provides an Overshield to the user when using Fist of Havoc, the free bonus damage to your Arc weapons is hugely beneficial, allowing you to use your leg armor in more ways.
6. Point Contact Cannon Brace

Buffed with the arrival of the Lightfall DLC, the Point Contact Cannon Braces essentially make the user a one-man army, allowing them to decimate everything in their path with their Thunderclap.
Thunderclap jolts all nearby enemies when you use the ability. The Point Contact Cannon Braces add more jolts and increase the overall damage of the Thunderclap, making it even more powerful and viable than before. It even adds back Melee energy, almost instantly recharging your Thunderclap and continuing the chain.
In short, this Exotic lets the user live out the “One-Punch Man” dream of every Titan main by literally one-shotting everything in your path over and over again.
5. Cuirass Of The Falling Star

Cuirass of the Falling Star has served one purpose since its release during Season of the Chosen a few years ago: BIG DAMAGE.
This Exotic increases the outgoing damage of the Thundercrash Super tenfold, allowing Titans to deal massive damage to any boss standing in their way. It’s been an enormous help against countless Raid and Dungeon bosses over the years; Atraks from the Deep Stone Crypt or recent bosses like Crota from the Crota’s End Raid all fall victim to this Exotic.
Unless a nerf for Thundercrash is planned, this Exotic will continue to remain relevant and powerful for the foreseeable future.
4. Synthoceps

Arc Titans and Synthoceps are like a match made in heaven. The Exotic increases Melee damage, and the subclass is all about punching enemies in the face.
When surrounded, Synthoceps grants a 200% increase in damage. Pair that with the Arc aspect, Knockout, which increases your outgoing Melee damage by 50% when you’re wounded, and you’ll be one-punching your enemies with ease. Knockout also restores your health upon every Melee kill, making you an unkillable punching machine.
While this Exotic is solid in PvE, it truly shines in PvP, especially in close-quarters situations like Trials of Osiris.
3. Insurmountable Skullfort

Arguably, one of the most slept-on Exotic armor pieces in the game is the Insurmountable Skullfort helmet.
This Exotic allows the user to continuously use their Arc Melee ability, instantly refresh it when you kill something with it, and restore their health on each kill. Basically, when surrounded by enemies, so long as you keep punching your enemies to death, you’ll never die—a Titan Main’s true fantasy.
This Exotic is perfect for solo content like Strikes, solo Dungeon attempts, or even just for pure survivability in Raids. While it doesn’t have the crazy ad-clear capabilities like other options on this list, this Exotic is one of the few options that allows an Arc Titan to survive challenging situations.
2. Heart Of Inmost Light

Of course, there was no way we would omit the Exotic that made Arc Titans so famous last year with their rework, the Heart of Inmost Light.
This Exotic is an ability spamming machine, constantly recharging all of your abilities as they are used, speeding up your rate of usage, continuing the flow of abilities, and allowing you to decimate everything in your path. In particular, this Exotic is fantastic for fast-paced Grenade builds that let you throw Grenades nearly non-stop, especially with the proper setup of mods.
That said, this Exotic has been nerfed with the arrival of the Lightfall DLC, so while it isn’t nearly as potent as it once was, it’s still a fantastic option overall. However, if you’re looking for a fast-paced Grenade-based build, a new Exotic has climbed the ranks to take its place.
1. Armamentarium

Taking the mantle as the most dominant Arc Titan Exotic currently in the sandbox is the Armamentarium Exotic chest piece.
This Exotic has an effortless beauty: it only provides one simple benefit, granting an additional Grenade charge. No build-up, no effort needed. Just have two free Grenades when you load into an activity, which makes it so powerful.
Arc Titans have an incredible build system that allows them to regain Grenade energy like no tomorrow, to the point where you will almost always have one available. With the Armamentarium, this process is doubled.
Unlike the Heart of Inmost Light, which requires your other abilities to be used, the second Grenade charge from the Armamentarium allows the user to kill more enemies and, thus, gain more Grenade energy back in a matter of seconds. On top of that, when the fight is over, and you have some downtime, your natural regeneration will continue to build up a second Grenade, allowing you to have two again when it’s time to fight again.
When it comes to sheer ad-clear potential and devastation, few Exotics in the game can match what the Armamentarium can output. It’s doubtful any changes for the Exotic are coming anytime soon, and thus, it will remain the strongest Arc Titan Exotic armor piece until a new one rises to take its place.
Published: Nov 21, 2023 10:43 pm