With Ir Yut, the Deathsinger, out of the way, the only thing left in your way in Crota’s End Raid is the infamous Hive God and son of Oryx, the Taken King, Crota. Compared to his original Destiny 1 fight though, Crota has received some substantial buffs and changes to his fight. So today, we’re discussing how to defeat Crota, son of Oryx of the Crota’s End Raid in Destiny 2.
How To Beat Crota In Crota’s End Destiny 2

Crota is back in Destiny 2 as an actual Raid boss, and he means business this time around. Bungie clearly listened to the feedback regarding how easy he was in Destiny 1, because now Crota is arguably one of the most challenging bosses in the game.
The fight starts out the same as it did before. Every player stands next to the giant green crystal to summon him, and he greets you with one of the flashiest intros in the game. When the intro is over, the shields go down and all hell breaks loose. Waves of Acolytes, Thrall, and Knights begin storming the crystal room. Alongside them is Crota, who now freely walks around the map with an immunity shield and snipes you with his arc blasts.
The objective is the same as it was in D1: take down his immunity shield with the Hive Sword relic. When you fend of the initial wave of enemies, make your way outside. The team should split into two groups to begin the process of taking down his shield.

One group should make their way to the giant towers on the arena’s left and right side, where you killed some of the Shieldsingers during the Ir Yut encounter. Inside will be two Hive Boomer Knights in each tower. Killing all four Knights will trigger a new wave of enemies to spawn, including two Hive Ogres, Wizards, and a new Swordbearer Knight.
Deal with the enemies and claim the Hive Sword Relic from the Swordbearer Knight. However, only an Enlightened player can claim the Sword, which is where the second group comes in.
Group two will make their way to the center of the arena, claim the Chalice of Light, and begin swapping it with one another when the Chalice is filled up. Enlightened has two different affects this time around. As mentioned before, only an Enlightened player can claim the Hive Sword Relic. The Hive Sword is the only thing that can deal damage to Crota’s Shield.
Without the use of a debuff like the Tractor Cannon Exotic Shotgun, it takes about two Swords to fully remove Crota’s Shield. When his shield is removed, the whole team can move in on him and deal damage to him for a short period of time. Swords like the Lament or Falling Guillotine are currently the best strategy.

The second use of the Enlightenment comes into play during the damage phase. After a short period of time, Crota will summon his Oversoul — the giant green orb in the sky. The Oversoul will wipe the entire team out unless an Enlightened player shoots it. Remember this, as it will be crucial during the final stand.
After Crota’s health bar reaches the cap, he will begin his final stand mechanic. The final stand is more or less what you expect from every Raid boss, where you have to kill them during that period of time or your whole team will wipe.
However, Crota’s final stand only lasts about fifteen seconds, giving players a brief window to kill him. While some teams can kill him during that time, it would be best to have one more Enlightened player shoot the Oversoul during the final stand, which will grant an additional ten seconds to it. If Crota isn’t dead when the time runs out, the Oversoul will wipe the entire team, and you’ll have to start all over again.
And that’s everything you need to know on how to defeat Crota, Son of Oryx of the Crota’s End Raid in Destiny 2. Be sure to check out our other guides down below, as they can help you do everything from nab other useful gear to take down challenging bosses.
Published: Sep 6, 2023 09:08 am