So, you’ve traversed through the bottom of the Hellmouth and the Abyss to make it to Crota’s Throneworld. However, you must now build the bridge to cross over to his palace and face him. So today, we’re discussing how to complete the Bridge encounter of the Crota’s End raid in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 Crota’s End Raid Bridge Encounter Breakdown
The Bridge encounter didn’t receive dramatic changes as the Abyss did; however, there are a few key elements to be aware of.

There are three plates on the side where you spawn: left, middle, and right. The central plate forms the bridge, while the left and right plates keep the Annihilator Totems in check. If a player were to step off the plate while other players were on their own plates, the Annihilator Totem will set off shortly after and wipe everyone. Be wary of Anti-Barrier Champions while standing on these plates, as they occasionally spawn and rush you.
Meanwhile, players must claim the Chalice of Light and begin swapping with one another to become Enlightened, like in the Abyss. This time around, Enlightened is used for two different purposes. First, you can use your Enlightenment on the middle plate by interacting with it, which will speed up the forming process. Second, and more importantly, players who are Enlightened are the only ones who can claim the Sword from the Swordbearer to cross the bridge when it is formed.

When you cross the bridge, look for the Gatekeeper Knight. Gatekeeper Knights can only be killed by the Hive Sword from which you crossed the bridge. Keep in mind that if you drop the Sword at any time, you will need to reclaim the Chalice of Light and become Enlightened again to obtain another Sword.
Once three people have crossed the bridge, the remaining three people on the spawn side of the chasm can hop off their plates, while the three people who crossed the bridge must get on their respective plates. Do this until everyone has crossed the bridge.
When everyone crosses the bridge, it’s an all-out war to kill all the remaining enemies until the encounter is completed.
Published: Sep 4, 2023 05:42 am