If you enjoy a game on Roblox, there’s a good chance it has a code redemption system for extra goodies. While these codes can sometimes be hard to find, we know exactly where to look. This way, you don’t have to leave the game and can get a good headstart. If you’re looking for a different version of Pokemon to play, we have all the codes to help you in Bronze Odyssey.
All Active Bronze Odyssey Codes in Roblox
As of June 19, 2023, six active codes are available in Bronze Odyssey.
- 5KMembers: (Three Gym Badges Required) 200 BP, 50,000 Pokedollars, and 3,500 Tix
- ANewChapter: (One Gym Badge Required) 100 BP, 50,000 Pokedollars, 20 GreatBalls, 30 PokeBalls, five Revives, 10 Potions, and five Hyper Potions
- CoolPokemon: (Two Gym Badges Required): One Level 25 Shiny Dhelmise Level five PP UPs
- FireBird: (One Gym Badge Required) One Level 10 Shiny Torchic
- FreePokemon: (One Gym Badge Required): Level 10 Mudkip, Charmander, and Rowlet
- Masterball: (Three Gym Badges Required) One Master Ball
All Expired Bronze Odyssey Codes in Roblox
As of June 19, 2023, there have been 30 codes that have expired.
2KMembers: (Three Gym Badges Required) 200 BP, 10,000 Pokedollars, and a Level 25 Shiny Golisopod
700Members: (Two Gym Badges Required) 30,000 Pokedollars and 10,000 Tix
8thGymIsHere: (Three Gym Badges Required) 300 BP, 100,00 Pokedollars, and 3,000 Tix
Champion: (Four Gym Badges Required) 200 BP and 100,000 Pokedollars
Code?: (Four Gym Badges Required) Level 40 Shiny Weavile
CoolNumbers: (Two Gym Badges Required) 5,000 Pokedollars, five PP UPs, and 15 Rare Candies
CoolShiny: (Two Gym Badges Required) Level 20 Shiny Mudkip reward
DefeatRoria: (Must Defeat Roria League) Level 80 Shiny Haxorus
DoubleIt: (One Gym Badge Required) Level 10 Shiny Treecko
EidMubarak: (Three Gym Badges Required) Level 25 Shiny Flareon
ElectricBeast: (Three Gym Badges Required) Level 30 Shiny Toxtricity
Elite4IsHere: (Four Gym Badges Required) Level 30 Shiny Gyarados
EthnsNumberOne: (Four Gym Badges Required) Level 40 Shiny Charizard
FreeMoney: (Two Gym Badges Required) 100 BP and 100,000 Pokedollars
FromTheStart: (One Gym Badge Required) 10,000 Pokedollars
GhostlyDesire: (Three Gym Badges Required) Level 20 Shiny Gastly, 1 OddKeyStone, and 60,000 Pokedollars
GoodbyeEaster: (Three Gym Badges Required) Level 25 Shiny Togepi
JaysNumberOne: (Three Gym Badges Required) Level 25 Shiny Dratini
NabzNumberOne: (Three Gym Badges Required) Level 25 Shiny Jolteon
OldTimes: (Three Gym Badges Required) Level 30 Rampardos
RoadTo1K: (Two Gym Badges Required) Level 15 Shiny Ralts
SorryForShutdowns: (Two Gym Badges Required) Level 15 Shiny Quaxly and two Master Balls
TekusNumberOne: (Four Gym Badges Required) Level 40 Shiny Krookodile
ThankYou: (Two Gym Badges Required) 50 BP, 20,000 Pokedollars, 4,000 Tix, and a Level 25 Shiny Raichu
TheBigNumbers: (Three Gym Badges Required) 100 BP, 100,000 Pokedollars, and 2,000 Tix
TheLastStep: (Must Defeat Roria League) Level 80 Shiny Feraligatr
TheLeagueIsHere: (Two Gym Badges Required) three Max Revives and five Hyper Potions
TheRealNumbers: (Two Gym Badges Required) Level 30 Shiny Yamask and 5,000 Tix
WhoGetsStaff: (Two Gym Badges Required) Level 15 Shiny Pikachu
YouWantCodes: (Three Gym Badges Required) Level 30 Shiny Umbreon
How to Redeem Codes in Bronze Odyssey
Where there isn’t a tutorial to pass to use codes in Bronze Odyssey, they all have a gym badge requirement. Any code above requires between one and four badges to redeem, which is clearly marked. Once this requirement has been met, you need to open the menu on the left side of the screen, go into your options, and the box to enter codes will be at the bottom.

With all the available Bronze Odyssey codes, you should be able to assemble a solid team early in the game. For more Roblox code guides, be sure to look at our links below.
Published: Jun 19, 2023 7:17 PM UTC