From Pokemon Generation II onwards, Dark type Pokemon have been an essential part of the games. However, since the inclusion of the Dark type, other types have also emerged, throwing off some of the previously understood type advantages and weaknesses. We’re here to tell you what all Dark-type Pokemon are weak to in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet to help you progress the three paths.
Dark Type Pokemon Weaknesses in Scarlet and Violet
The Dark type can be thought of as the complete opposite of the Psychic type. All Dark-type Pokemon are weak to Fighting, Fairy, and Bug types.
You’ll want to bring a Pokemon of these three types when you take on the Dark-type Team Star base led by Giacomo. If you’re looking for an easy Fairy-type, the Fidough found very early in the game are all Fairy-type and learn some strong moves. Other than that, we have a list of the best Fairy-type Pokemon.
On the other hand of the type matchup, Dark-type Pokemon are strong against Ghost and Psychic type Pokemon. This means your best bet for the Fairy-type Rubchbah Squad and the Alfornada Gym, you’ll want to take along some species of Dark-type Pokemon or one loaded with Dark-type moves. We have a guide for getting a Spiritomb that is both Ghost and Dark.
That is everything you need to know about what all Dark-type Pokemon are weak to in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. If you’re wanting to catch a Dark-type Pokemon but want it to be shiny, we have the perfect method for catching one.
Published: Nov 28, 2022 8:46 PM UTC