America’s famed football franchise is back in a big way—yet while bugs are prevalent and the roster has its annual initial shine, players still want to feel as though they’re in control. One way to capture that feeling is to start your very own fantasy draft in Madden 23. Fortunately for every single one of you out there desperate for control, we’ve got a guide for that.
Madden 23 Fantasy Draft Guide

As it happens, starting a fantasy draft continues to be breathtakingly simple. All that needs to be done after selecting Franchise mode is deciding which roster you would like to choose: Real-life or Active. In order to enable a fantasy draft, however, those options shrink from two to one. The player must select Use Active Roster in order to draft from scratch.
From there, simply choose your team, select Starting Point under the More Options heading, and change it from Preseason to Fantasy Draft. What you do next, of course, is up to you. Maybe you fancy yourself an all-rookie team. Perhaps you like the idea of a quarterback that can run for days but cannot toss the ball so well.
Whichever route you decide to take, starting a fantasy draft in Madden 23 has never been easier! Then again, it was never all that challenging to begin with. Yet if you’re like me, and wish to make your franchise experience as challenging as possible—and no, we’re not just talking about the bugs—then why not have some fun with this? Oh, and for more how-to guides, such as how to hurdle and juke, be sure to keep your eye on this space and check out plenty more below.
Published: Aug 30, 2022 2:04 AM UTC