Wordle is back with yet another daily word puzzle for players to try to solve. The game’s premise is simple: guess a random five-letter word within just six attempts. Sounds easy, but it’s actually a little trickier as most players usually have a hard time trying to think of possible answers to fit the clues they already have. Here’s a list of 5 letter words ending in MER to help you out on your Wordle journey.
5 Letter Words Ending in MER
- Aimer
- Armer
- Comer
- Dimer
- Emmer
- Fumer
- Gamer
- Gomer
- Homer
- Lamer
- Mimer
- Namer
- Ormer
- Rimer
- Tamer
- Timer
- Vomer
The good news here is that if you were able to deduce that the last three letters of the word are M, E, and R, then you’ve got a great chance of guessing the word without breaking your streak. There are only 17 possible solutions, and if you’re able to guess a fourth letter, even if it’s in the wrong position, then you should be able to zero in on the correct answer.
As always, the game will give you color-coded clues: green means you have the right letter in the right position, yellow means you have the right letter in the wrong position, while grey means that the letter isn’t in the word of the day.
If you’re still having trouble, though, we’ve got today’s Wordle solution here to help you continue that streak.
That does it for our list of 5 letter words ending in MER. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on Wordle.
Published: May 20, 2022 1:13 AM UTC