The cities of Kamurocho and Yokohama in Lost Judgment are two big areas that you’ll want to explore carefully to find all of its secrets and fun distractions. The game is filled with lots of quests, both part of the main story and side missions, and also minigames too. In light of all of that, you’ll want to get around town as quickly as possible, so here’s how to sprint and run faster in Lost Judgment.
How to Sprint & Run Faster in Lost Judgment
Right from the beginning of Lost Judgment you can sprint and run faster without any upgrades or items needed. All you need to do is press X and Yagami will start to sprint. Unlike other Yakuza games, you don’t need to mash the X button or worry about Stamina. Run around as long as you want.
If that’s not quick enough for you to get where you need to go, you can also take a Taxi. These are represented by the red car emblems on your map, and for a measly 400/500 yen, you can use the taxi to travel to any of the other taxi spots on the map. Pretty handy, if you ask me.
In Lost Judgment, you can also get a skateboard to let you zip around town even faster. Once you get the skateboard, you can use R2 to start running, and then after a few seconds Yagami will hop on his skateboard as long as the surface is skatable (pretty much not the sidewalk or inside). You can then tap X to pick up speed, Circle to jump, or R1 to get off.
For more on the skateboard such as how to unlock it, check out our guide for it right here.
That’s everything you need to know about how to sprint and run faster in Lost Judgment. For even more tips, tricks, check out our Lost Judgment wiki and read our review for our full thoughts.
Published: Sep 23, 2021 11:24 am