Skyward Sword HD has a multitude of materials to collect for upgrading gear, and while it’s not required, doing so makes the game a lot easier. Some of the hardest materials to find in the game are treasures called Evil Crystals. If you want the best upgrades the game has to offer, you’ll need to find several of these crystals. However, they are quite rare. Here’s everything you need to know about how to get Evil Crystals in the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.
How to Get Evil Crystals in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
Evil Crystals can be found in random chests that contain treasures in the game, but obviously, those are limited and not guaranteed. There is an easier way to get plenty more of them.
Defeating Enemies for Evil Crystals
There are three specific types of enemies in the game that have a chance to drop Evil Crystals. Those are Cursed Bokoblins, Dark Keese, and Dark Lizalfos.
Cursed Bokoblins can be found on the lowest level of the Ancient Cistern dungeon if you want to defeat lots of them to farm the crystals. They must be defeated with a Fatal Blow.
Dark Keese can be found in the Fire Sanctuary, Eldin Volcano, Volcano Summit, and Earth Temple, but rarely drop Evil Crystals. Dark Lizalfos can be found in the Fire Sanctuary and Sky Keep, but they are difficult to defeat, so this isn’t a preferred method of farming the crystals.
If you decide to farm crystals by defeating enemies, you should use the Treasure Medal in your adventure pouch to increase the odds of them being dropped.
Spending Rupees for Evil Crystals
Even though defeating enemies is the best way to find this material, you should know there is also an option to buy them with Rupees. The Moonlight Merchant sells Evil Crystals for 100 Rupees each, which is quite expensive, but good if you’re in a pinch.
The Moonlight Merchant can be found on Skyloft near the waterfall at night, but only after you’ve completed Skyloft’s Silent Realm late in the game. Play the harp near the butterflies to get him to appear as a Gossip Stone, and he’ll sell you rare materials for a lot of Rupees.
How to Use Evil Crystals
So, what are Evil Crystals used to upgrade? You can take them to the Scrap Shop in the Skyloft Bazaar to upgrade the Bug Net into the Big Bug Net.
They can also be used to upgrade the Bow into the Iron Bow and Sacred Bow, which are incredibly useful weapons to have. We really recommend the bow upgrade, as it makes it more powerful and the arrows fly farther.
That’s everything you need to know about how to get Evil Crystals in the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD. For more tips and tricks, be sure to check out our Skyward Sword HD guide wiki.
Published: Jul 27, 2021 6:22 PM UTC