In Scarlet Nexus, you’ll really want to go through the game more than once in order to get the full experience. Not only do you get to play as a new character, but you’ll also get to experience a lot of benefits from playing the new game plus mode. Here is everything you need to know about how to unlock new game plus in Scarlet Nexus and how it’s different from a first playthrough.
How to Unlock New Game Plus in Scarlet Nexus
Just like most games these days, you’ll need to beat Scarlet Nexus to unlock new game plus. Regardless of which protagonist (Yuito Sumeragi or Kasane Randall) you start with, beating the game unlocks a new mode called EX New Game in the main menu.
Now that you know exactly how to get this new mode, let’s go into what is different about it.
What is Different in EX New Game
EX New Game is Scarlet Nexus’ new game plus mode, allowing you to start a new playthrough with either character. Something that is cool about this is that you’re able to start the new campaign with all of the Brain Points for the skill tree, outfits, accessories, items, levels, and weapons for every character you had in your previous campaign, regardless of if you select the other protagonist or the same one.
In short, regardless of who you choose, you’ll retain everything that you had in your previous playthrough except for your bond levels, making Scarlet Nexus’ new game plus quite easy gameplay-wise. You can change your weapons, outfits, and plug-ins as soon as you start, but you’ll have to wait until you get through the tutorial mission again to be able to spend Brain Points in the skill tree.
That is everything you need to know about how to unlock new game plus in Scarlet Nexus and what is different about it. If you’re still on the hunt for more info on the game, be sure to check out our guide wiki. It has plenty of guides with tips, tricks, and info related to a variety of helpful topics.
There should also be some related content down below that you may find helpful, as well as some other Scarlet Nexus-based news. For any questions you can’t find the answer to, always feel free to reach out to us in the comment section below and we’ll do our best to help.
Published: Jun 28, 2021 8:04 PM UTC