Patch 5.35 is finally out for Final Fantasy XIV, and it’s a pretty substantial one. This patch introduces a new area called the Bozjan Southern Front, allowing you to grind for new resources that can be exchanged for new rewards, and also allows you to strengthen your Relic weapons from the previous patch. Here’s how to get Memories of the Dying in FFXIV.
Getting Memories of the Dying in FFXIV
Memories of the Dying are a new resource that you’ll need to obtain in order to strengthen your Relic weapons and get them up to item level 500. First off, head to Gangos and unlock the Bozjan Southern Front, do those tutorial quests, then speak with Gerolt to continue the quest line.
He’ll eventually task you with obtaining three different types of Memories of the Dying, and you need 20 of each of them in order to strengthen your weapons. All three types of Memories can be obtained by completing FATEs and Critical Engagements within the Bozjan Southern Front, but you can also farm them outside of the instanced area as well.
Here’s a list of locations you can check out if you don’t plan on spending much time in the Bozjan Southern Front:
- Tortured Memories of the Dying: FATEs in Coerthas Western Highlands and Sea of Clouds.
- Sorrowful Memories of the Dying: FATEs in the Dravanian Forelands and Churning Mists
- Harrowing Memories of the Dying: FATEs in the Dravanian Hinterlands and Azys Ila.
Once you have 20 of each type of Memory, you can then take them back to Gerolt back at Gangos and strengthen your Relic weapon to bring it up to item level 500.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Memories of the Dying in FFXIV. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.
Published: Oct 16, 2020 11:56 AM UTC