While the main focus of Doom Eternal is smashing through demon skulls at an insane pace, there are actually some customization options in the game. You can unlock new looks for the Doom Slayer by doing a variety of things, such as by finding and spending items in-game to completing challenges. One of the best skins in the game though, is the gold one. So that you can show it off in multiplayer, here’s everything you need to know about how to get the gold Doom Slayer skin in Doom Eternal.
Now, first off, getting this skin isn’t like most of the others. You can’t spend the coins you find while playing to get it, and you’re not going to find that it’s very common while facing off against other players in Battlemode.

How to Get Gold Doom Slayer Skin in Doom Eternal
That’s because the gold Doom Slayer is awarded for doing one very specific thing, and only that very specific thing. You need to beat Doom Eternal on Ultra-Nightmare difficulty.
Completing the game on Ultra-Nightmare is not something very many players will be able to do. No matter how much you want the skin, getting it simply might not be possible for you.
Ultra-Nightmare is Doom Eternal’s hardest mode, but it’s more than just difficult. It’s a version of Nightmare mode (Hard mode) that only gives you one life to complete the entire game. Die and it’s game over; it’s that simple.
Therefore, to get the gold doom slayer skin, you need to survive the whole game on the hardest difficulty without dying once, so don’t be too disheartened if you can’t unlock it.
That’s everything you need to know about how to get the gold Doom Slayer skin in Doom Eternal. For more tips and tricks on the game, be sure to check out our wiki guide or search for Twinfinite.
Published: Apr 15, 2020 6:37 PM UTC