Try Out a Variety of Blood Codes
Code Vein Tips & Tricks for Beginners

Code Vein doubles down on letting you create your very own playstyle, with tons of different options like Blood Veils, weapons, and of course, Blood Codes.
Blood Codes function as your class, and you can change your equipped one at any time. Past that, each Blood Code has its own stats and set of Gifts to use.
While you can easily stick with one Blood Code, it’s in your best interest to switch often and try out new things, especially when you get a new Blood Code.
The reason for this is that each and every Gift can be mastered, usually by defeating a set amount of enemies while that Gift is equipped. You can then equip these Gifts at any time if they’re mastered, independent of what Blood Code you have, as long as your stats meet the requirements.
Because of this you’ll want to use each Blood Code at least a little bit to get any helpful Gifts, whether they’re passive or active. Obviously it also helps nail down which code fits your playstyle best.
Experimentation is key to Code Vein’s combat system, so don’t be afraid to mix and match and try some crazy things out.
Use a Mix of Dodging and Guarding
Code Vein Tips & Tricks for Beginners

Like many of the games in the genre, Code Vein lets you use both dodging and guarding to protect yourself from enemy attacks. One isn’t necessarily better than the other, however, and in truth, you’ll want to learn how to use both effectively.
Both require Stamina, but guarding requires less than dodging. The tradeoff there, however, is that guarding doesn’t totally negate damage just reduces it.
Both defensive maneuvers play into the attack patterns of enemies as well, as oftentimes enemies will launch sweeping attacks that are almost impossible to dodge, especially bosses.
At the same time you get Gifts that enhance the speed of your dodges, or provide more Ichor when you successfully dodge an attack. More so than most games, Code Vein ties both of these defenses into your actual character build, making them much more useful than just avoiding damage.
No matter what you choose, however, don’t forget about one in lieu of the other. Dodging is often the better option, but guarding can be just as important.
Pay Attention to Your Focus Gauge, and the Enemy’s
Code Vein Tips & Tricks for Beginners

The Focus Gauge is one of the tougher elements of Code Vein to wrap your head around, especially since you don’t really have direct control over it. Basically as you fight your Focus Gauge will rise from things like taking damage, dealing damage, successfully dodging, guarding, and parrying.
When full you get a variety of beneficial effects like increased damage, or the ability to use a launch attack and stagger the enemy. The game even has a lot of passive Gifts that relate to Focus, like giving your weapon ice damage when you’re in focus mode, or increasing the effectiveness of dodge when in the mode.
Because of this, it’s hugely important that you pay attention to Focus, and know to press the attack when it’s full. The Focus gauge is the small grey one just above your health and stamina, and once it starts flashing blue you’ve entered Focus mode until the gauge totally drains.
Now the catch here is that most enemies also have their own focus gauge, that fills under the same conditions as yours. When an enemy’s focus fills they can become incredible unpredictable, and even launch extra dangerous attacks.
Luckily you can tell an enemy’s Focus is full when a flashing blue gauge appears above their head, just like with yours. At this point, it might be best to go on the defensive.
There are a lot of intricacies to Code Vein’s combat, but the push and pull between your Focus and the enemies is one thing you’ll always want to keep an eye on.
Explore, Then Explore Some More
Code Vein Tips & Tricks for Beginners

If you’ve played any type of Souls-like game before, you’ll know that exploration is often a huge part of the experience, and Code Vein is no exception. There’s almost more of an incentive than ever to explore, however, as there’s both story and items to find.
One of the major collectibles in Code Vein are Vestiges, crystallized memories from other Revenants that you can restore and view. Vestiges are hugely useful as for one they give you story context, but two they unlock new Gifts to learn for your Blood Codes.
Needless to say many of these unlockable Gifts are hugely useful. Past Vestiges, though, there’s plenty of other ample reasons to explore.
You can find shortcuts in each area that make getting around much easier, chests with unique weapons, tons of consumable items, Loss Shards that grant extra Haze, and more.
The winding areas of Code Vein are a blast to explore, and things get truly challenging later on in the game with hidden enemies environmental hazards, and more.
If you really want to experience all Code Vein has to offfer, make sure to take your time when going through each area.
Make Full Use of Your Partners
Code Vein Tips & Tricks for Beginners

One of the most unique aspects of Code Vein is its partner system, something not really featured in any other Souls-like game. At all times you can bring an NPC partner along, from a selection of characters vital to the story.
Considering Code Vein is developed by the same team behind God Eater, the partner AI is surprisingly robust, certainly capable of holding their own in combat.
You’ll want to learn how to effectively use your partner, as well as build your character to complement whichever partner you’re bringing along at that time.
If you choose a partner like Mia you’ll need to tank more, take the enemy’s attention while she peppers them with long-range attacks. Meanwhile, if you’re playing more of a ranged Gift user then you’ll want to go with Yakumo, who can tank like a master.
Outside of just being helpful, you have Communal Gifts you can use with your Partner to boost stats, and they can heal you if you die, and they have enough health.
By the same token, you can heal your partner, apply effects to both of your weapons, or create barriers that block damage for both of you.
The partner system really enhances the combat system of Code Vein, so make sure you’re utilizing your partner as best you can.
For even more tips and guides on Code Vein, make sure to search Twinfinite or check out our guide wiki. Here are a few other guides you might want to check out.
Published: Sep 26, 2019 10:02 am