How to Level Up Battle Pass Fast in Apex Legends
Apex Legends finally released its first season after launching last month. Players are combing through the battle pass to see all the new rewards they will be earning and picking their favorites. You’ll have to reach level 110 to earn that gold Havoc skin though, so it’s best to start early for the best chance at finishing the battle pass. Here’s how to level up the battle pass fast.
Quickest Possible Way
The easiest way to a get a jump start on the Apex Legends season 1 battle pass is to buy the deluxe edition which costs 2,800 Apex Coins. This is roughly $30 but will give you 25 tiers up front.
If you don’t want to pay more money then the standard $10 pass your best way is to get two friends to join you and play together.
Apex Legends gives an experience boost to players who complete matches while playing with friends even if you don’t get a win.
This bonus experience plus the bonus experience modifiers you get from leveling up the battle pass will help you fly through those tiers quickly. Once you have a few of these things will go a lot quicker.
The most obvious way to level up fast would be to win as many games as possible. This is a surefire way to earn as much experience as possible from each match.
It’s also important to note you can gain a lot of experience from surviving for long periods of time during a match, so it might be worthwhile to drop in a secluded area and take your games slow.
There’s really no other tricks than that. It’s pretty straightforward. That’s everything you need to know about how to level up the battle pass fast in Apex Legends. For more tips, tricks, and guides for Apex Legends be sure to search Twinfinite.
Published: Mar 19, 2019 03:57 pm