Infinite Keys
Best Enter the Gungeon Mods
Chances are, if you’ve played a bit of Enter the Gungeon, you’ll have noticed that it is a smidgen hard. In this context, smidgen translates to unfathomably, cruelly, hair-pullingly and wall-punchingly. Some of these may not be actual adjectives, but they’re still accurate.
So any opportunity to gain an advantage is definitely a welcome one. In this first mod, you’ll be able to open any lock (chests, doors, Ness Monsters) without needing a key. You’ll be like that dude with the keys in the Matrix Reloaded, except better.
Best Enter the Gungeon Mods
Look at all of that mayhem onscreen. Such a kerfuffle, how will you ever work out what’s going on? It’s simple, really. You bring this handy mod into your life, and finally you’ll be in the know, as it reveals the remaining health of all players and enemies onscreen.
You know, I went to a health bar once. Mostly just green vegetables and lean meats on offer. Little bit disappointing, really.
Infinite Ammo & Rapid Fire
Best Enter the Gungeon Mods
At the end of the day, this is a game about shooting. At the beginning of the day, too, and all throughout the afternoon. Oh my stars, does this game have a lot of shooting.
Therefore, being the best at the shooting is definitely a benefit. So how does this sound – all of the bullets, and faster, too. If you aren’t foaming at the mouth at this prospect, you obviously haven’t played enough Enter the Gungeon. Go play again and get your ass kicked by enemies more keenly attuned to the fine art of shooting than yourself. When you come crawling back, maybe, just maybe, we’ll still let you download the mod.
…Don’t stress that much, though. We don’t actually have any way of stopping you.
Best Enter the Gungeon Mods
In Enter the Gungeon, your knowledge and reactions will be the difference between the glory of success and the indignation of becoming a bloody pile of goo underfoot. If you’re a stats geek or just someone who generally doesn’t want to die, you may get a kick out of this mod that displays your stats unobtrusively on the left side of your screen.
Also take note of the inclusion of the life bar mod in that picture. Mmm, feels good.
Best Enter the Gungeon Mods
In gaming, there is this idea known as ‘quality of life’. It basically comprises of simple, yet crucial adjustments to your gameplay that will ostensibly make your life more enjoyable. Or, in the case of Enter the Gungeon, your death, but we shan’t split hairs. Your many enemies will be doing enough wig splitting on their own, to be frank.
Investing a download in this mod will simply make your perpetual misery ever so slightly more tolerable. It turns keys from boss rush into other pickups, buffs broccoli, removes a blatant lie from the sawed-off description, allows bosses to drop non-gun items in blessed runs even when you haven’t picked up a gun on that floor, and occasionally turns hearts into armor if you’re playing as a robot— because you’re not the tin man, dammit, you don’t need a heart.
Published: Aug 10, 2018 6:02 PM UTC