dream daddy, voice actors

Top 5 Best Dating Sims to Play in 2017

Are you ready to go steady?

Dating can be hard, there’s no doubt about it. How do you meet the person of your dreams? What if they don’t notice you? Will there ever be a rainbow? We recently delved into the sultry world of the dating simulator, and now we’re ready to help you make the jump and begin your own campaign of romance. 2017 was another poster year for the rapidly growing genre, and there’s a veritable smorgasbord of options at your fingertips.

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But how to separate the subarashii from the subpar? The ii from the eek? The (insert arbitrary Japanese word) from the (insert even more arbitrary English alliteration)? Don’t you worry, eager lovebird, because we’ve plucked out some particularly good ones* to help usher you into your future of eternal wedded bliss.

And hey, if it doesn’t work out for you, there’s always that New Game option.

* Please note that while some of these games may be considered not safe for work, this article is 100% safe. In fact, it’s even encouraged that you share this with your colleagues. It’ll surely lead to a wonderful discussion.

Dream Daddy

The brainchild of the Game Grumps puts you in the shoes of a single father who arrives in a new neighborhood filled with eligible bachelors. They all have kids of their own, too, and range from a loveable goofball to an intellectual academic. And there’s Robert, too – he may very well stab you in your sleep, so that’s something to look forward to.

As you may expect considering the team behind it, this title has impeccable writing and characterization. Each of the daddies feel unique, flawed and multilayered, and there are some genuinely touching moments to be found. The game isn’t afraid to be bold or confronting, while still maintaining a hearty sense of humor throughout. And best of all, dad jokes galore! They may not be for everyone, but every two might get a kick out of them.

…Does that count as a dad joke?

Ikemen Sengoku: Romances Across Time

Ikemen Sengoku

Don’t let that title throw you off; none of the men in this game are icky in any way, shape or form. You play the role of a fashion designer who ends up travelling back in time to feudal Japan, and changing the course of history by preventing a warlord’s assassination.

Let’s just have that sink in for a moment. You’re a fashion designer who saves a historical figure. Then you date him and dress him up to make him look dapper. How would Nobunaga react if he learned what would become of his legacy hundreds of years later? Perhaps he’d be pleased – we all like to feel pretty, after all.

Of course, there are other snazzy samurai suitors to choose from as well, in case you weren’t content on already screwing up history enough as it was. Most people probably wouldn’t react to time travel by dating everyone they see, but you most certainly can in your efforts to find Mr. Samuright.

The Arcana – A Mystic Romance

Arcana - A Mystic Romance

Is love in the cards? Why yes, it really is in this Kickstarted title based on the Tarot. As a budding apprentice with a talent for fortune telling, you’re thrown into a mysterious world of magic, treachery and attractive characters just waiting for you to give them a smooch.

Since this is a newer game made by a miniscule team of two, there are only a few routes available at the present time, but new chapters are being made and the community is already thriving. There’s all kinds of fan art and head canons for the intrepid to browse, primarily based on Julian because nothing sells like angst, baby.

As an aside, there sure are a lot of exposed, muscular chests for you to ogle in otome games. How does everyone find the time to work out, exactly?



Gay tigers!! …Did that grab your attention? Great, because if you’re looking for a bandwagon to jump on before it gets too crowded, Nekojishi could be just the ticket.

This Taiwanese game just released on Steam this week, and it’s already creeping up the charts (plus it has a really catchy theme tune that may or may not be playing on repeat at this present moment). You play the role of lonely college student Lin Tian-Liao, who discovers he has the ability to channel the legendary spirits of feline guardians. What’s a fella to do with three powerful, mythical beasts? Why, date them, obviously!

Liao’s once mundane life is turned around as he attempts to juggle the rigors of his daily routine while deciding which guardian makes his heart go aflutter. You know, the standard issues facing most college students.

To top it all off, this game is absolutely free to play – so give it a shot, if nothing else than to appease your morbid curiosity. We recommend choosing Lin Hu if you’re uncertain. He looks like he would give the best hugs.

Doki Doki Literature Club

If you want the full experience of this game, go play it right now without any prior knowledge. The twists and turns it takes will lead you on an emotional roller coaster that leaves you feeling uneasy and afraid. Not that that’s something you typically strive for in life, unless of course you’re Robert from Dream Daddy.

Masquerading as your typical saccharine-sweet bishōjo title (effectively the male equivalent to the previously discussed otome games), Doki Doki Literature Club follows all of the usual tropes in its early stages. The dialogue boxes are awash in pink, the discussions amongst your classmates are all innocuous and light. As you progress however, things begin to turn sinister, culminating in some particularly grim fates for the characters.

The game then begins to mess with your head, deleting save files and forcing you to consider the consequences of your actions. It’s a harrowing experience that makes you question what you were ever doing to begin with.

…So have fun!

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Image of Tony Cocking
Tony Cocking
A miserable little pile of secrets. Unabashed Nintendo stan, Resident Evil fancier and obscure anime enthusiast who insists everything is funnier when the rule of three is applied. Oh, and once I saw a blimp!