Subnautica Xbox One Cheats and Console Commands
Subnautica began as a PC title, but its PC cheat codes also work on the Xbox One version of the game. To use cheat codes in Subnautica on Xbox One, you’ll first need to enter the game world. Next, press RB + LB + X + A at the same time to bring up the dev console. There, you can enter cheat codes for various benefits.
Below you’ll find the list of Xbox One Subnautica cheats. The code is to the left of its effect.
oxygen – Infinite oxygen
radiation – No radiation
nodamage – You’ll take no damage
fastbuild – Build Faster
nocost – Craft and build for no material costs
madloot – Free cool items
daynightspeed – Set the spead of the day/night cycle
day – Set tim to day
night – Set time to night
item [item name] [amount] – Spawn that item
spawn seamoth 1 – Spawn a seamoth
sub cyclops – Spawn a cyclops
spawn exosuit – Spawn an exosuit
biome [name] – Teleport to that biome
warpme – Teleport to safety
allblueprints – Unlock every blueprint
speed – Change your movement speed
Not every PC command will work on Xbox One, but these cheats should help you out. Now get out there, and have fun being an invincible, time-controlling, teleporting monster.
Published: Dec 30, 2016 10:18 PM UTC