Ophidian Aspect (Warlock)
“Have I the aspic in my lips?”
Primary Perks
- Viper Totemic – Improved Energy Drain, and weapons ready and reload very quickly.
- Infuse – Consume a more powerful piece of Armor to boost the Defense value of this.
- Twist Fate – Changes the stats and upgrades available on this.
Selectable Perk 1
- Snap Discharge – Increases melee attack speed.
- Impact Induction – Bonus grenade energy on melee hits.
Selectable Perk 2
- Energy Projection – Increases grenade throw distance.
- Momentum Transfer – Gain bonus melee energy on grenade hits.
Selectable Perk 3
- Random
Shinobu’s Vow (Hunter)
“No supplies. Armor in tatters. But the refugees had asked for help. And she had given her word.” —Tale of the Six Coyotes
Primary Perks
- New Tricks – Improves Skip Grenade and you gain an additional Skip Grenade charge.
- Infuse – Consume a more powerful piece of Armor to boost the Defense value of this Armor.
- Twist Fate – Changes the stats and upgrades available on this Armor.
Selectable Perk 1
- Fastball – Increases grenade throw distance.
- Random
Selectable Perk 2
- Random
Selectable Perk 3
- Random
Thagomizers (Titan)
“Don’t get too close.”
Primary Perks
- One-Two Punch – Unlocks the Striker subclass node Amplify for free. You gain an additional melee charge.
- Infuse – Consume a more powerful piece of Armor to boost the Defense value of this Armor.
- Twist Fate – Changes the stats and upgrades available on this Armor.
Selectable Perk 1
- Rain Blows – Increases melee attack speed.
- Random
Selectable Perk 2
- Random
Astrocyte Verse (Warlock) in Destiny: Rise of Iron
“The ideocosm contained within this helm transforms the wearer’s head from flesh and/or exoneurons to the pure, raw stuff of thought.”
Primary Perks
- Move to Survive – Temporary increase to Recovery on Blink.
- Random
- Infuse – Consume a more powerful piece of Armor to boost the Defense value of this.
- Twist Fate – Changes the stats and upgrades available on this.
Selectable Perk 1
Random Selection
Could be 1 of 3 perks
Random Selection
Could be 1 of 2 perks
Selectable Perk 2
- Random
Fr0st-EE5 (Hunter) in Destiny: Rise of Iron
“Hey, if it works for computers…” —Marcus Ren
Primary Perks
- Rapid Cooldown – Tighter turn radius while sprinting. Increased grenade and melee regeneration while sprinting.
- Random
- Infuse – Consume a more powerful piece of Armor to boost the Defense value of this.
- Twist Fate – Changes the stats and upgrades available on this.
Selectable Perk 1
- Random
Selectable Perk 2
- Random
Transversive Steps (Warlock) in Destiny: Rise of Iron
“In these boots, your relationship with consistent spacetime is… tenuous at best.”
Primary Perks
Strange Angles
Gain faster movement speed while crouching. Picking up ammo automatically reloads the weapon matching that ammo’s type.
Random Selection
Could be 1 of 3 perks
Consume a more powerful piece of Armor to boost the Defense value of this Armor.
Twist FateChanges the stats and upgrades available on this Armor.
Selectable Perk 1
Random Selection
Could be 1 of 3 perks
Random Selection
Could be 1 of 3 perks
Selectable Perk 2
- Special Ammo – Carry more ammo for Special Weapons.
- Heavy Ammo – Carry more ammo for Heavy Weapons.
Dunemarchers (Titan) in Destiny: Rise of Iron
“Whether on solid rock or shifting sand dune, the inexorable Sand Eaters never slow their pace.”
Primary Perks
- Speed Demon – Increased sprint speed, increased movement speed while aiming your weapon, and tighter turn radius while sprinting.
- Random
- Infuse – Consume a more powerful piece of Armor to boost the Defense value of this.
- Twist Fate – Changes the stats and upgrades available on this.
Selectable Perk 1
- Random
Selectable Perk 2
- Random
Published: Sep 19, 2016 8:32 PM UTC